What Feminine Leadership Actually Means | Monica Yates

Monica Yates is a feminine/masculine embodiment coach who teaches you whatt Feminine Leadership ACTUALLY Means. MonicaYatesHealth.com feminineleadershipmentor #businessfeminineleadershipcoach #traumahealer #masculineenergy #wealthaffirmations #relationshipwithmoney #manifestationcoach #moneyempowerment

Embody: Feel, Heal, and Transform Your Life through Movement | Toni Bergins, M.Ed.

Toni Bergins @toniberginsjourneydance discusses her book Embody: Feel, Heal, and Transform Your Life through Movement. JourneyDance.com @jorneydance #innerchjild #dance

Selfish is a Superpower | Jessica Dennehey

Entrepreneur, Jessica Dennehey talks about her book Selfish is a Superpower which redefines what it means to be selfish to live a fulfilled life. JessicaDennehey.com
#pivotandslay #mindset #selfcare #positivevibes #jessicadennehey

Life After a Stroke | Jan Burl

Jan Burl shares her inspirational story of learning how to depend on others, self-love, and the importance of slowing down and enjoying life. thundercrestbooks.com #stroke #strokerecovery #positivity #hope #faith #believeinyourself #strokethriver #physicalchallenges #TBI #braininjury #traumaticbraininjury #rewireyourbrain #live #thrive #lovemeasiam

F*ck Happiness: The Search for Meaning in a World Gone Mad Chasing Happiness | Shawn Nowotnik

Shawn Nowotnik @shawn.nowotnik discusses his book F*ck Happiness: The Search for Meaning in a World Gone Mad Chasing Happiness shawnleonnowotnik.com #F*ckHappiness #Meaningfulness #Happiness #Authenticity #shawnnowotnik #suicide

The Success Mindset | Paola Knecht

Paola Knecht @paolaknechttalks about her latest book, The Success Mindset, which teaches you eleven pillars to untap the higher Self that lives within you. My-MindPower.com #paolaknecht #success #Mindset #leadership #positivethinking #selfcare #choices #jamesmillerlifeology #lifeology #selfdiscovery #mindpowercoaching

The Shortcut: The Fastest Way to Achieve Your Goals | Ruben Gonzalez

Olympian Ruben Gonzalez @therlugreman talks about his book The Shortcut: The Fastest Way to Achieve Your Goals. TheLugeMan.com #thelugeman #winterolympics #inspiration #luge

The Life of an Asexual Person | Sandra Bellamy

Sandra Bellamy, an asexual expert teaches you what it means to be an asexual person. www.asexualise.com #SandraBellamy #Asexual #sexuality #LGBTQIA

Over it! | Kelsey Grimm

Recording artist Kelsey Grimm @TheKelseyGrimm shares her book Over It! that encourages you to embrace the beautiful realities of who you already are. TheKelseyGrimm.co

Defeat Your Cravings | Dr. Glenn Livingston

Dr Glenn Livingston discusses his new book Defeat Your Cravings which teaches you ways to manage any food cravings you may have. DefeatYourCravings.com #cravings #overeating #stopovereating #bingeeating

Wild Health: Genome Based Treatment | Dr. Matt Dawson

Dr Dawson talks about his company Wild Health which uses your DNA to prescribe specific treatments to help you live your healthiest life.WildHealth.com #WildHealth #PrecisionMedicine #PersonalizedMedicine #HealthcarePartnership #HealthcareOptimization #HealthcareNavigation #MultiSpecialtyHealthcare #Genomics #HealthcareInnovation #IndividualizedNutrition

Media Path Podcast | Fritz Coleman

Fritz Coleman @Thefritzcoleman shares his humorous life experiences as well talks about being the cohost of the new hit show, Media Path Podcast. MediaPathPodcast.com

A Touch of the Madness | Larry Kasanoff

Legendary move Producer, Larry Kasanoff talks about his book A Touch of the Madness which teaches that embracing your crazy side is where something truly original is created. ATouchOfTheMadness.com #larrykasanoff #atouchofthmadness #movieproducer

Following The Sun | Margaret Bensfield Sullivan

Margaret Sullivan talks about her book Following the Sun which shares her story of traveling the world for a year with her husband and two small children. MargaretBensfieldSullivan.com #margaretsullivan #wanderlust #travel

Proving the Existence of God Through Fact-Based Science | Dahryn Trivedi

Researcher Dahryn Trivedi @dahryntrivedi shares her peer-reviewed, researched-based experiments proving the existence of God through fact-based science. divineconnection.org/offer/james-miller @realdivineconnection #god #science #higherconsciousness #divine

Love Addiction & Toxic Relationships | Sherry Gaba

Sherry Gaba @sharrygaba shares her expertise in helping people recognize if they are in toxic relationships and are addicted to being in love. SherryGaba.com #sherrygaba #relationships #toxicrelationships #love #attachements #jamesmillerlifeology #lifeology

The Importance of Self-Awareness | Brittany Young

Executive Sales Coach, Brittany Young shares her story of using self-awareness to catapult her career and how she now trains others to do the same.. BrittanyYoungWealth.com

Mindful Masculinity | Scott Grace

Scott Grace @ScottKGrace discusses his book Mindful Masculinity, which strips away the misconceptions, beliefs, and behaviors of what it means to be a man. ScottSongs.com #scottgrace #masculinity #toxicmasculinity #manhood

Beat Back Cancer Naturally | Dr. Dominic Brandy

Dr. Dominic Brandy talks about his book Beat Back Cancer Naturally, which includes 5 Scientifically Proven Natural and Plant-Based Ways to Prevent, Survive and Thrive with Cancer. www.naturalinsightsintocancer.com #dominic.brandy5, #dominicbrandy #cancer #anticancer #preventativemedicine #healthyhabits

The Identity of an Adopted Person | Dr. Stephen Rowley

Dr. Stephen Rowley talks about his new book The Lost Coin which gives its readers insight into the identity of an adopted person. stephenrowley108.com #LostCoinAdoption#adoptionmemoir#adoption#adoptioncommunity #JungianPsychology