Who is James Miller?

James is a regular contributor to the following publications and many more.

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Short Biography:

James Miller is a licensed psychotherapist, host, and executive producer of the national broadcast and syndicated LIFEOLOGY® Radio. James has been a practicing clinician in the mental health field for over 25 years. He regularly contributes to Forbes, Newsweek, New York Times, USAToday, Good Housekeeping, Yahoo! News, Popsugar, and many other publications.

James is also a classically trained pianist and composer who uses physiological and neurological techniques to enhance the listener’s emotional experience. You may hear his music on your favorite music platform. He is also the author of LIFE LESSONS | You are the Expert on Your Life a self-help workbook that aids its readers on the journey to becoming an expert in their own lives.

Long Biography:

James Miller is a licensed psychotherapist and piano composer who resides in Miami, FL. He has been in the mental health field for 23 years. He is a subject matter expert who has worked in all types of clinical settings. Including, prisons, residential treatment centers, outpatient clinics, universities, partial hospitalization programs, and most recently was in private practice in the Washington, DC area for the past 14 years.

Since the age of three years old, James had been a performer. He is a talented singer and piano composer who would regularly perform in front of thousands of people and on live television events. James currently has two instrumental albums, Consolation and Restoration, that are heard all around the world. He is currently working on his third album that will be released this year. 

In his early twenties, James participated in local commercials, television roles, and documentaries. He even was a principal actor in an indie film in Spain.

In 2015, James decided to close his clinical practice. He was not feeling fulfilled and believed there needed to be a next step for personal growth and development. James moved to Miami, Florida, and merged his passion for self-development and his love as a performer. He created his brand James Miller | LIFEOLOGY®. LIFEOLOGY® started as daily YouTube episodes. It then evolved into a podcast and later exploded into a nationally broadcasted and syndicated radio show that reaches over 3 million listeners per episode.

James is known for his infectious laugh and relaxed manner in explaining why people do what they do. He teaches practical tools and techniques to help people focus on what truly matters in order for them to live their fullest life. 

Listen to Restoration on Apple Music

Listen to Consolation on Apple Music

Recent Press Release

Miami, FL – Few people have reached the level of success James Miller now enjoys. His knowledge, authenticity, nationwide appeal and work ethic have made him exceptionally popular across multiple media channels, including: 

Radio: Miller is widely recognized for his work as Host and Executive Producer of the nationally syndicated radio program James Miller | LIFEOLOGY®. The show averages more than 3.2 million listeners across 17 AM/FM stations … plus another 95,000 fans who tune in on six streaming radio and all podcasting platforms. Media markets include Las Vegas, Washington, DC, Pittsburgh, Milwaukee, New Orleans, Tampa, and Colorado Springs. Many notable guests have appeared on the show, such as Elizabeth Vargas, lead investigative reporter for A&E Networks; Jake Steinfeld, actor, producer and fitness icon; Ray Boltz, Christian singer and songwriter; Mabel Katz, speaker and TV host; Summer Helene, Actress and Producer; KC Armstrong, previous cast member of the Howard Stern Show and Mildred D. Muhammad, Award-Winning Speaker, Abuse Survivor and Advocate.

Television: LIFEOLOGY® with James Miller is currently in production and will make its debut in early 2021. The show’s purpose is to unite people together in a common human experience – to celebrate individuality but at the same time removing differences and stereotypes. Viewers’ life circumstances may be different but we all experience the same emotions. Each episode will give insight into why people act as they do, while teaching practical life skills, and effective tools and techniques that allow viewers to overcome obstacles.

Composer: Miller has already recorded two albums, Consolation and Restoration. Both feature 10 unique compositions that serve as separate narratives within each album. Each piece is written with neurology and psychology in mind; tempos and key changes, for example, are all written to create a specific emotional experience. A bonus booklet is included with each album, used as a narrative that helps the listener create a storyline. His upcoming album will be released in 2021. 

Author: LIFE LESSONS: You are the Expert on Your Life | A Workbook is currently available at your favorite bookstore.  Miller is a licensed psychotherapist with over 25 years of experience in the self-development world. His book features 52 life lessons inside nine categories, each one featuring practical ways to create a framework to solve an issue in the reader’s life. It can either be read cover-to-cover … or the reader can choose a particular chapter they need most at any given time. 

“We all have life lessons to both learn and teach,” Miller says, commenting on what guides him each day. “LIFEOLOGY® is the study of life … it’s all about increasing the human experience. No matter what someone is feeling, there is always somebody else out there going through the same thing. I always say that,  regardless of what happens in life, there’s always an answer – keep looking until you find it. LIFEOLOGY® helps you find your answers. Normalizing these feelings and experiences is helpful for a lot of people because they realize they’re not alone … and then they can take actionable steps to overcome their situation.” 

Background Information on James


    • Bachelor of Arts: Double Major – Psychology and Spanish, Music Minor

    • Master of Arts – Community Counseling

    • Ph.D. – Psychology (I only have a few more classes, I’ll finish it one of these days…)

Licensure and Certifications:

    • Licensed Professional Counselor
        • Commonwealth of Virginia – License: Active

        • Washington, DC -License: Inactive

        • Texas -License: Inactive

        • Oregon -License: Inactive

    • Forensic Evaluator
        • Competency Evaluations

        • Sanity Evaluations

        • Risk Assessments

        • Court System: Subject Matter Expert

    • Approved Clinical Supervisor for Post-Masters Mental Health Clinicians
        • Commonwealth of Virginia

        • Texas

Previous Job Titles:

    • Regional Director

    • Clinic Manager

    • Adjunct Professor

    • Clinical Administrator

    • Subject Matter Expert

    • Outpatient Clinic Manager

    • Forensic Evaluator

    • Clinical Consultant

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