Living an anticipatory life | Daniel Burrus

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Every situation you experience is an opportunity for you to learn and grow. When you ask yourself, “What am I learning about myself right now?” it gives you data to use for the next time you experience it. The more often you do this the more you can anticipate how you want your life to be.

Leading technology forecaster and innovation expert, Daniel Burrus reviews his latest book, The Anticipatory Organization. This book teaches you how to separate the Hard Trends that will happen, from the Soft Trends that might happen— allowing you to jump ahead with low risk and the confidence certainty can provide. Accelerate your innovation and actively shape the future — before someone else does it for you! For more information about Daniel please visit

For a limited time only Daniel is giving away a hard copy of this book, minus shipping and handling at

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Daniel Burrus – The Anticipatory Organization

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