A balanced leader is a successful leader.
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Audio PlayerThe most effective leaders are the leaders who can successfully play all parts of their job. They are assertive, compassionate, resilient, encouraging, etc. to their employees. But when they are unbalanced they aren’t leading their company, they are hindering it. It’s the same thing in each of our lives. We are all leaders, but if we are unbalanced, too lax, too rigid, not effective in your communication then we are not enhancing the lives around us. When you can ask your peer group to point out blind spots in your life, you will be a powerful, balanced leader.
Business expert and thought leader, Rocky Romanella returns for a second episode where he discuss his book Tighten the Lug Nuts: The Principles for Balanced Leadership. He gives you specific tools and techniques to help you be the most effective and balanced leader you can be. To hear Rocky’s previous interview; Being an Authentic Leader, please visit JamesMillerLIFEOLOGY®.com.
You may purchase Rocky’s book, “Tighten the Lug Nuts: The Principles of Balanced Leadership” on amazon.com or JamesMillerLIFEOLOGY®.com. For more information on Rocky, please visit: 3SixtyManagementServices.com
Rocky Romanella – Tighten the Lug Nuts: The Principles of Balanced Leadership
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