Blindsided by life | Allison Graham, Episode 1/2

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Rain falls on the just and the unjust, meaning life happens. Regardless of the type of person you are we will all experience overwhelming situations. What do you do? When this happens it’s important for you to surround yourself with people who can help you focus beyond what you are experiencing today. What has transpired is not permanent – there is an end to your struggle. Yes, your life may change but your future is just as bright.

Motivational speaker, Allison Graham shares her decade of hell in this first episode of a two part series. During this decade, Allison experienced multiple deaths, injuries, and botched surgeries which lead to chronic pain. She found the resilience to fight her way through all of this and is now inspiring others to do the same. You may purchase Allison’s latest book, Married my mother birthed a dog, how to be resilient when life sucks on or at

For more information about Allison please visit; You may also hear the second episode in this two part series on JamesMillerLIFEOLOGY®.com or here.

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#resilience @allisongraham #adversity #chronicpain #choices