Breaking generational patterns | Joan Z Rough

The struggle of being a caretaker to an abusive parent.

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Many times children will repeat the behaviors of their parents. As they mature, they will continue to demonstrate whatever behavioral patterns their parents modeled for them unless they consciously make the decision to interrupt the cycle. It’s important to look at previous generations to see what is a family legacy, or rather a learned behavior passed on from generation to generation. When you recognize that there is a generational pattern, it gives you the responsibility to break the cycle for your own family.

Author, Joan Z Rough shares her story of caretaking to her abusive mother on her deathbed. She recounts the struggle of grieving for her mother but also being very angry with her for the abuse she inflicted on her as a child. Joan’s transparent interview is relevant for many adults as they care for their elderly parents. You may purchase Joan’s memoir, ” Scattering ashes: A memoir of letting go” which details this time in her life on JamesMillerLIFEOLOGY®.com or here. For more information on Joan please visit;

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