Commemorating Ancestry Through Curated Design | Renee Innis
Designer and Genealogist Renee Innis shares how her company Akin commemorates one’s ancestry through curated design. Akin.house #familystories #ancestry #bookdesign #genealogy #legacy
Where you simplify and transform your spirit, mind, and body
Latest radio/podcast episodes
Designer and Genealogist Renee Innis shares how her company Akin commemorates one’s ancestry through curated design. Akin.house #familystories #ancestry #bookdesign #genealogy #legacy
Performance Accelerator Wylie McGraw @wyliemcgraw teaches you how to live a high-performance life and ways to overcome mediocrity. WylieMcgraw.com #highperformance #personaldevelopment #highachiever #entrepreneur #leadership #leadershipdevelopment #success #optimization
Richard Perkins Hsung discusses his memoir, Spring Flower, which spans 83 years of his mother’s life, who was stuck in communist China. RichardPerkinsHsung.com #RichardPHsung, #immigration #communistchiina #china #family #trauma #hope #famly
James interviews Abe Bueno-Jallad & George H. Xanthis who play James and John, The Brothers Thunder on the CW’s The Chosen. TheChosen.tv #thechosen #Abe Bueno-Jallad#cwnetwork #jesus #georgehxanthis
Dr. Jenelle Kim @jenellemkim talks about her book, Myung Sung: The Korean Art of Living Meditation, which teaches you how to actively live in a state of mindfulness and meditation. JanelleKim.com #drjenellemkim #myungsung #livingmeditation #myungsungmeditation #myungsungmovement #myungsungmedicine #meditation #mindfulness #healthylifestyle #mindful #positivity #gratitude #mindset #selfcare #healing #mentalhealth #wellness #mindbodysoul
Donna Klassen, co-founder of Let’s Talk Menopause (LTM), shares how LTM is helping women get the information they need and the healthcare they deserve. LetsTalkMenopause.org #WeDeserveBetter #menopausemovement #menopauseawareness #menopause #redheifermedia
Author Dennis J Henson @dennisjhenson discusses the importance of daily inspiration in his book Real Impact: Daily Inspiration. RealImpactBook.com/podcast-member #realimpact #inspiration #author #purpose
Julianna Bootsman @juliannavv teaches you the importance of having a Chief Spiritual Officer in every organization and how you can become one as well. Whiteboxleadership.com @JuliannaBootsman #consciousleadership #Consciousbusiness #spiritualentrepreneur #chiefspiritualofficer @redheifermedia
Monica Yates is a feminine/masculine embodiment coach who teaches you whatt Feminine Leadership ACTUALLY Means. MonicaYatesHealth.com feminineleadershipmentor #businessfeminineleadershipcoach #traumahealer #masculineenergy #wealthaffirmations #relationshipwithmoney #manifestationcoach #moneyempowerment
Toni Bergins @toniberginsjourneydance discusses her book Embody: Feel, Heal, and Transform Your Life through Movement. JourneyDance.com @jorneydance #innerchjild #dance
Entrepreneur, Jessica Dennehey talks about her book Selfish is a Superpower which redefines what it means to be selfish to live a fulfilled life. JessicaDennehey.com
#pivotandslay #mindset #selfcare #positivevibes #jessicadennehey
Jan Burl shares her inspirational story of learning how to depend on others, self-love, and the importance of slowing down and enjoying life. thundercrestbooks.com #stroke #strokerecovery #positivity #hope #faith #believeinyourself #strokethriver #physicalchallenges #TBI #braininjury #traumaticbraininjury #rewireyourbrain #live #thrive #lovemeasiam
Shawn Nowotnik @shawn.nowotnik discusses his book F*ck Happiness: The Search for Meaning in a World Gone Mad Chasing Happiness shawnleonnowotnik.com #F*ckHappiness #Meaningfulness #Happiness #Authenticity #shawnnowotnik #suicide
Paola Knecht @paolaknechttalks about her latest book, The Success Mindset, which teaches you eleven pillars to untap the higher Self that lives within you. My-MindPower.com #paolaknecht #success #Mindset #leadership #positivethinking #selfcare #choices #jamesmillerlifeology #lifeology #selfdiscovery #mindpowercoaching
Olympian Ruben Gonzalez @therlugreman talks about his book The Shortcut: The Fastest Way to Achieve Your Goals. TheLugeMan.com #thelugeman #winterolympics #inspiration #luge
Sandra Bellamy, an asexual expert teaches you what it means to be an asexual person. www.asexualise.com #SandraBellamy #Asexual #sexuality #LGBTQIA
Recording artist Kelsey Grimm @TheKelseyGrimm shares her book Over It! that encourages you to embrace the beautiful realities of who you already are. TheKelseyGrimm.co
Dr Glenn Livingston discusses his new book Defeat Your Cravings which teaches you ways to manage any food cravings you may have. DefeatYourCravings.com #cravings #overeating #stopovereating #bingeeating
Dr Dawson talks about his company Wild Health which uses your DNA to prescribe specific treatments to help you live your healthiest life.WildHealth.com #WildHealth #PrecisionMedicine #PersonalizedMedicine #HealthcarePartnership #HealthcareOptimization #HealthcareNavigation #MultiSpecialtyHealthcare #Genomics #HealthcareInnovation #IndividualizedNutrition
Fritz Coleman @Thefritzcoleman shares his humorous life experiences as well talks about being the cohost of the new hit show, Media Path Podcast. MediaPathPodcast.com