Remembering your dreams | Cheryl Bannerman

Do you remember the dreams you used to have?

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When we were younger we had hopes and dreams for our lives. Unfortunately, life happened. For many of us those hopes and dreams are in the past; we’ve settled for mediocrity and think that life will always be like this. The type of person you’d like to marry, the business you’ve always wanted to start, or finishing your degree, these are but distant dreams. Your dreams can come true. Remember who you are.

Author, Cheryl Bannerman discusses her latest book, Words never spoken: A book of spoken word. This novel discusses relevant topics for today’s reader. You will find that you can relate to many of her characters as they experience life — heartache, relationships ending, domestic violence, hope, love, and many other life events. The poignant questions at the end of each chapter will help you analyze your life and help you get back on track to become the person you were destined to be.

For more information on Cheryl, please visit: You may purchase, Words never spoken: A book of spoken word at JamesMillerLIFEOLOGY®.com or here.

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