Step out of your comfort zone | Andy Molinsky

Your comfort zone will always lead to mediocrity.

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Often we become comfortable in life. The goals we have often do not match up with what we are doing today. Many times our worst-case scenario fears stop us from even trying. Think of a goldfish, the fish only grows to the size of its environment. If you continue to allow your worst case scenarios to stop you from stepping outside of your comfort zone you will never reach your goals.

Thought Leader and Author, Andy Molinsky discusses his latest book, Reach, which helps you identify why you struggle with stepping out of your comfort zone. This book also gives you specific tools and techniques to help you step out of your comfort zone to achieve your goals. For more information about Andy, please visit: You may purchase Andy’s book, Reach, on or at JamesMillerLIFEOLOGY®.com.

Andy Molinsky – Reach: A new strategy to help you step outside your comfort zone, rise to the challenge and build confidence

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