Enough is enough | Maya Claridge

When will you stand up and say, “Enough is enough?”

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Many times in life you may feel as if you don’t have a voice. People may berate you, make fun of you, or simply ignore you. It’s time to say enough is enough. The #boundaries you set with people will keep you safe from behaviors that are disrespectful, dangerous and unhealthy. Did you realize that you can create boundaries with yourself? If you do your best to not disrespect others, then why do you do it to yourself? Listen to the self-talk that you goes through your mind when you do something you are upset about. The more you can interrupt the negative, self-berating thoughts the more successful you will be in life.

Maya Claridge is a 15 year old girl who was badly bullied in middle school. She struggled in secret for three years, not telling anyone of the abuse she was experiencing. She finally said enough is enough and stood up for herself. She has started #Bullied To Bold Tour, an anti-bully campaign, that has helped many kids take a stand against their oppressors. Her inspirational story will inspire you to take your own stand. You may purchase Maya’s latest music single at JamesMillerLIFEOLOGY®.com or here. MayaClaridge.com @maya_claridge

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