Facing the Seduction of Success | Jodi Katz

James Miller | LIFEOLOGY® Radio
James Miller | LIFEOLOGY® Radio
James Miller | LIFEOLOGY®

Where you simplify and transform your spirit, mind, and body

Thank you so much for listening to LIFEOLOGY®. I would love to connect with you. Be sure to follow me on all social media platforms under the name JamesMillerLIFEOLOGY®. I am very active on Instagram and create mini videos with quick tips and tools that you can immediately implement. Be sure to say hello and follow me there.

Jodi Katz has been a respected voice in the beauty and wellness industry for 20 years, 15 of them as founder and creative director of NYC-based Base Beauty Creative Agency – her groundbreaking boutique outfit whose holistic, integrated approach to marketing high growth brands has revolutionized the industry and taken companies owned by the likes of Colgate, Church and Dwight and Estee Lauder, to unprecedented levels of sales and cultural impact. She is also creator and host of the top-rated business leadership podcast, “Where Brains Meet Beauty” (Top 5 in fashion/beauty on iTunes).

Jodi is strong believer in mental health in the workplace and talks about it in her book. In fact, Jodi has instituted a Mental Health Day program at her agency, “requiring” that everyone take one personal day a month to chill, recharge, eat junk food, sleep in, do a lot, or do nothing. No surprise that this is wildly popular, greatly appreciated, and has had an immediate impact on stress levels and the production of great and lasting work and relationships with the agency’s clients. In addition, Jodi’s agency has adopted a “mostly work from home” hybrid system and can share tips on how to make this a success (see her recent article here in response to Emma Goldberg New York Times Op Ed).

In today’s episode, Jodi and James talk about her new book Facing the Seduction of Success: Inspiring Stories on Leading in Business While Living Your Life which provides checks and balances to help readers reassess what success means to them as well as provide strategic tips to harness their focus and purpose.

“Facing the Seduction of Success” stems from Jodi’s experience—and that of many of her podcast guests—of how seductive success can be. Featuring interviews with more than 200 industry leaders, Jodi warmly shares each backstory with humor, drama, and raw honesty, encouraging readers to set their own vision and chart their own course.

For more information about Jodi and Facing the Seduction of Success visit SeductionOfSuccessBook.com or BaseBeauty.com. You may also purchase the book on amazon.com.

Social Media

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/basebeautycreativeagency/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/base-beauty-creative-agency
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wherebrainsmeetbeautypodcast


#jodikatz #seductionofsuccess #mindset #basebeautycreativeagency #basebeauty 

Watch the uncut interview with James and Jodi below.

You may purchase the book on amazon

James’ new book, LIFE LESSONS: You are the Expert on Your Life | A Workbook is your new “go-to” self-help book, especially, if you are struggling at the moment. Purchase it on Amazon today.

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LIFE LESSONS was written to help you focus on what already works for you – to be an immediate resource. You can turn to any chapter for specific guidance when you need it or read it front to back. It’s designed to pinpoint relevant past responses to help you overcome current struggles. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel and try to come up with something new. You are already the expert in your life. 

If you are tired of struggling to know what to do when “life” happens, want to break the cycle of repeating the same unhealthy patterns, as well as give you practical tools and techniques to focus on what matters the most to you, then LIFE LESSONS: You are the Expert on Your Life | A Workbook is a must-read.

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