Finding purpose after tragedy | – Pattie Welek Hall

James Miller | LIFEOLOGY® Radio
James Miller | LIFEOLOGY® Radio
James Miller | LIFEOLOGY®

Where you simplify and transform your spirit, mind, and body

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Unfortunately, we all will experience some form of tragedy in life. When we go through this tragic event we may feel like our future will be as hopeless as we currently feel. Once you process the grief, it’s important to reflect on the person you were prior to the event. Resetting yourself to that personality profile gives you direction find structure for yourself. Then, reflect on what you learned about yourself during and after the tragedy. The new version of yourself will have more depth with these lessons.

pattie-welek-hallAuthor, Pattie Welek Hall experienced every mother’s nightmare, twice. She shares her story of heartache and how she was able to overcome it. She refocused, found her passion and is now a successful author. You may purchase Pattie’s book at JamesMillerLIFEOLOGY®.com or here.

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