Gideon, a mighty man of valor overcame his insecurities to conquer a nation.
Audio PlayerOften in life we think of the direction we’d like our life to go, but immediately stop because we have major insecurities. Many times we compare ourselves to others and find ourselves lacking. When you buy into the belief that you aren’t good enough, you, unfortunately, stop yourself from reaching your highest potential.
Author, Joseph Ganci, shares his epic novel, Gideon: The Sound and the Glory. This powerful book narrates the inspirational tale of Gideon, a farmer who was insecure and constantly questioned himself and his God. He overcame his insecurities and conquered an empire. This book will inspire you to overcome your own insecurities.
For more information about Joseph, please visit: You may purchase Gideon: The Sound and the Glory at or at JamesMillerLIFEOLOGY®.com.
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