LIFEOLOGY® – Episode 171: Facts or Fear – Coronavirus Edition

During this time of a potential global pandemic, many people are overcome with fear and worry, and rightly so. However, if we continue to discuss this crisis with other people who are also anxious, our levels of anxiety drastically increase.

When we only focus on facts instead of conjecture or opinion, it helps us find solutions for how to keep ourselves safe. Only speak with individuals who can focus on facts given by the government agencies, like the Center for Disease Control or the National Institute of Health. Be very mindful of what you watch or what you read. If you find that you are feeling anxious and overwhelmed, then maybe that is no the news source you need to listen to at that time.

Of course, be caught up on the latest press releases from reputable agencies but don’t get lost in other people’s anxiety because that will only make this time more fearful for you. 

Stay safe.

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