During the holidays many of us can feel a sense of loss and pain. We often focus on what was and compare it to what is today. Of course it’s going to be very different.
One way to help you stay focused on the day and not get lost in your thoughts and feelings is to create a detailed schedule for yourself. You can break it down into 30-minute or 60-minute intervals, whatever makes the most sense for you.
In this schedule, you want to start with what time are you waking up. Other details you want to add are: what activities do you want to have planned, what type of food do you want to cook, what type of movies do you want to watch, is there a holiday drink you want to make, etc.
The more detailed your schedule the more it helps you stay focused on the task at hand as opposed to too much downtime that causes you to focus on your loss and pain.
This doesn’t change what was lost, but it does give you a tiny respite to focus on your activities and not get lost in your head.
Your holidays won’t always feel this way, there is always hope for the next holiday.
Be kind to one another.

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