Mindful Masculinity | Scott Grace

James Miller | LIFEOLOGY® Radio
James Miller | LIFEOLOGY® Radio
James Miller | LIFEOLOGY®

Where you simplify and transform your spirit, mind, and body

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Scott Grace makes every mistake in the book regarding being a man. After all, his first role model is Tarzan!

But in his funny, insightful, humble, yet powerful manual that helps men transcend the roles, ego, habits, and relationship boxes that they find themselves stuck in, Scott brings solid wisdom that gently nudges his readers to a more conscious conception of what it is to be a successful, purpose-driven, loving and happy man today. 

“If Dave Chappelle and Eckart Tolle teamed up to write a book for men, this would be it!” lauds Deborah Poneman, creator of the globally renowned Yes to Success Seminars.

Scott Grace’s gifts are many—a highly sought-after singer, speaker, workshop leader, life coach, and stand-up comedian (who used to open for such legends as Robin Williams and Dana Carvey), he rose to prominence opening for rock star authors and personal growth celebrities.

The shortlist included Deepak Chopra, Dr. John Gray, Louise Hay, Ram Dass, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Byron Katie, Jack Canfield, Joan Borysenko, Mark Victor Hansen, Les Brown, Dr. Judith Orloff, Alan Cohen, Wally Famous Amos, and others—including three presidential candidates, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Dennis Kucinich, and Marianne Williamson.

Thanks to several viral YouTube videos, he starred as The Spiritual Dr. Seuss, combining entertainment, wisdom, and comedy. As the new Dr. Seuss for adults, Scott became the headliner at New Thought Churches around the world, adding his unique gift of performing his uplifting and highly entertaining songs, including many written on the spot. 

He then parlayed that talent into the corporate sector as The Boardroom Bard and eventually developed another career writing spot-on personalized songs to honor people on their birthdays, anniversaries, eulogies, etc.

In today’s episode, Scott discusses his book Mindful Masculinity: A Book for Men and the Women Who Love Them. This book tackles overcoming the innate driving desire to live up to dad’s or one’s own expectations, the addiction to NOT feeling, transforming the inner critic, becoming aware of the fear of fear, transcending the compulsion to fix things for a romantic partner, grieving lost ideals and painful experiences, releasing the hold the ego has over heart, letting go of anger and rage self-or-other-inflicted, and much more. 

In Mindful Masculinity: A Book for Men and the Women Who Love Them, he strips away the misconceptions, embedded beliefs, and behaviors that no longer serve. He uses his hilarious, self-deprecating humor to show where he went wrong and brings to light the new way that attracts people rather than dominates or drives them away—and embellishes one’s authenticity. 

For more information about Scott and to purchase his book, visit ScottSongs.com

Social Media

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/scottkgrace/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@scottgrace


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If you are tired of struggling to know what to do when “life” happens, want to break the cycle of repeating the same unhealthy patterns, as well as give you practical tools and techniques to focus on what matters the most to you, then LIFE LESSONS: You are the Expert on Your Life | A Workbook is a must-read.

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