Discovering your Fulfilled Career | Michael Alan Tate

Michael Alan Tate reviews his book, The White Shirt, that was designed to help people make the pivotal and challenging transition into their new fulfilled career. #career #goals #aspiration #dreams #fulfillment #happiness

Michael Alan Tate – The White Shirt

The White Shirt is an entertaining parable and a career change guide book all in one. This book is a simple 7-step process to help anyone find a life-giving career today, and find it in a life-giving way. #career #goals #aspiration #dreams #fulfillment #happiness

Ditch your inner critic | Susan Peppercorn

As children we compare ourselves to our peers and often feel we are less than. When we become adults that sense of inferiority continues to plague us. When you recognize the difference between your ideal self and realistic self you Learn more…

Self-encouragement | Jennifer Cohn

We all have hopes and dreams that we want to accomplish, but unfortunately, well meaning people can discourage us from even trying. The best gift you can give yourself is to self-encourage. What would you say to a friend who Learn more…

Who let me adult? | Dave Colley

As children we often have an idea of how the world works. As we mature we realize how wrong we were. When you realize how much you’ve learned as an adult it helps you also recognize that there is so Learn more…

Your perfect lifestyle: Guests – Eric Hicks and Liz LaRocque

Your quality of life determines your lifestyle. When you review your life there you will notice there are things that you wish you could change. Why can’t you? When you look at the quality of your life instead of the Learn more…

Susan Peppercorn – Ditch Your Inner Critic

Susan Peppercorn’s book, Ditch Your Inner Critic, is the book you need to help you make the next step in your career. This book uses evidence based strategies to give you the roadmap you need to reach your ultimate career fulfillment. Purchase it today.

Dave Colley – Who let me adult?

This is the ultimate guide book for those entering the working world. Who Let Me Adult? covers the topics that the education system didn’t teach you – such as the low-down on how to get the right job, how to make and grow your money, and how to find happiness. Purchase it today.

Eric Hicks and Liz LaRocque – Midlife Dreamers in the Wind

Authors Eric Hicks and Liz LaRocque are forging new paths for their lives, and with their book Midlife Dreamers in the Wind: Strategies for Manifesting a Freedom Lifestyle with More Adventure, Purpose, and Passion, they show others how to get what they want out of the second and third acts of life.

Repurposing your life | Marc Miller

Repurposing your life creates a fulfilled life. As we grow up our interests and personality change. We often feel that we have to remain in the same vocation or career because that’s what we were always taught. Did you realize Learn more…