Self-Ascension: Guests – Sri and Kira

Sri and Kira @sriandkira teach you ways to live consciously as well as ways to ascend to the next level of self-development and live a life by your design. #sriandkira #selfascension #yoga #ego #spirit #mystics #mantra #OfficialSriandKira

Neal Grace – Fresh Eyes Upon The World

Neal Grace’s @nealgrace5 #NealGraceAuthor book, Fresh Eyes Upon the World is a book that inspires you to continue to press through your circumstances to accomplish your purpose. #joy #purpose #fulfillment #spirituality

Rev. Cathy Norman – Sermon on the Molehill

Rev Cathy Norman’s book, Sermon on the Molehill teaches you key spiritual principles: To look for the good in all situations and to look for the good in ourselves and each other. #Sermononthemolehill #unity #sermon #spirituality #truth #hope

Creating a Magnificent Life | Gabriela Masala

Gabriela Masala @onelovealliance reviews her book Everyday Magnificent. This book is designed to be a 90-day journey to lead you in co-creative, superconscious exercises that unleash your inner power to create your magnificent life. #consciousness #mandala #inspiration #spirit #soul

Gabriela Masala – Everyday Magnificent

Everyday Magnificent is a workbook for a life of awesome. Dive in for practices that inspire your whole being, reshape your worldview, and reinvent your best life.

Dr Anna Gatmon – Living a Spiritual Life in a Material World

Living a Spiritual Life in a Material World perfectly bridges spiritual beliefs and the material world of everyday life. Purchase it today.

The Ego’s Code: The truth behind negativity: Clayton John Ainger

Can you trust yourself? Are you consistent in the ways you respond or do you allow certain types of emotions to be expressed disproportionately? When you are consistent with how you handle certain thoughts or feelings, you can trust yourself Learn more…

Kickboxing negative beliefs | Lisa Lewis Ellis

We all have experienced situations in our life which influence how we see ourselves. Unfortunately, we develop a negative belief system that taints our potential. There are specific ways you can practice therapeutic techniques that will empower you in overcoming Learn more…

Clayton Ainger – The Ego’s Code

The Ego’s Code: Understand the truth behind your negativity will teach you how to decipher your code and stop sabotaging your success! Purchase it today.

A heartbeat away – A fulfilled life | Papa Soob

Often we allow life situations to dictate what we are going to do, as if we don’t have a choice in the matter. When we lose sight of things that brought us joy and a fulfilled life we often forget Learn more…

Lisa Lewis Ellis – S.H.I.N.E. and Win!

Life Coach, Lisa Lewis Ellis’ book, S.H.I.N.E. and Win is the book you need to buy when you feel stuck in a mediocre life. This book will give you the tools you need to break free and win. Purchase it today.

Papa Soob – Don’t die: 3 Essential truths for your fulfilled and happy life

Papa Soob’s book, Don’t Die, teaches that there are three essentials truths to help you live a fulfilled and happy life. Purchase the book today.

Papa Soob – A Heartbeat Away: Are YOU Ready?

Author, Papa Soob’s latest book, A Heartbeat Away is now available for pre-order. This book gives you a blueprint and peace of mind for your elder years. Purchase it today.

Forgiveness during grief | Rahn Anthoni

Showing forgiveness during your grief allows you to fully heal. Unfortunately, we all will experience some form of grief in our life. The event will not make sense because we never would have done what was done to us. One of Learn more…