Dr Emilio Justo @dremiliojusto talks about his book The Power of Pause: Mastering Delayed Gratification for Success based on his top-rated Tedx Talk. DrEmilioJusto.com #emiliojustomd #tedx #tedtalk #gratification #selfmastery
Patricia Stark @clickpatricia talks about her new book CALMFIDENCE which is a comprehensive guide to improving self-talk and outward communication skills in work, school, and everyday life. PatriciaStark.com #patriciastark #calmfidence #calm #confidence #communication #author #jamesmillerlieology #Redheifermedia
Elite Fitness Trainer, Phil Catudal teaches you how to incorporate fitness into your specific lifestyle. TrainedByPhil.com #exercise #fitness #nutrition #lifestyle #fitfam #workout #fitnessmotivation
Interior Designer, Debbe Daley @debbedaley talks about her book Interior Motives which is about approaching your life with creativity and keeping your interests alive. DebbeDaleyDesigns.com. #debbedaley #lifemotivation #empoweringwomen #growthmindset #positivity #financialchange #interiordesign @redheifermedia
Emma Dowd discusses the tricks scammers use to steal your identity and what you can do to prevent it. EmmaLynnDowd.com #emmadowd #emmalynndowd #insurance #identitytheft #idshield #legalshield
Author, Salman Raza @SalmanTRaza teaches you the importance of soft skills and how they can greatly enhance your communication style. SalmanRaza.net #softskills #salmanrazaauthor #lifesnonconformaties #SalmanTRaza #behavioralstrategies #businessmanagementtraining #corporatedevelopment #corporateSEL #corporatestrategies #corporatetraining #emotionalstrategies #HRresources #humanresources #personalandprofessionalinteraction #education #sociallearning #emotionallearning #socialstrategies
Betsy Cerulo @betsycerulo talks about her book Shake it Off Leadership which teaches any leader the skills to successfully create a business while insuring balance and personal fulfillment. BetsyCerulo.com #betsycerulo #leadership #leadershipdevelopment #labels #lgbtqia #success #jamesmillerlifeology #lifeology
Designer and Genealogist Renee Innis shares how her company Akin commemorates one's ancestry through curated design. Akin.house #familystories #ancestry #bookdesign #genealogy #legacy
Brian Smith @iinteamseries talks about his new book Positive Influence – Be the “I” in Team which shares how to become our best selves with everyone we influence. www.theiinteamseries.com #businesscoach #influence #business #leadership #leadershipdevelopment
Asher Wright talks about his book Turn Your Traumas into Treasures which helps you take stumbling blocks and turn them into stepping stones. lifechangingwisdom.com #TurnTraumasIntoTreasures #DemiDivineBookSeries #LifeChangingWisdomCoach
Are you a married entrepreneurial couple? Then you need to read Robert and Kay Lee Fukui’s Tandem: The Married Entrepreneur’s’ Guide for Better Work-Life Balance. TheTandemBook.com @robertfukui @powercouplesbydesign #marriedentrepreneur, #couplepreneur, #entrepreneur #marriage #businesspartner
James MIller was a guest on the LIving Undeterred Podcast @@choices_network @undeterreddad. He breaks down the stereotypes of addiction and mental health. #LivingUndeterred #MentalHealth #AddictionRecovery #jamesmillerlifeology #lifeology #mentalhealth
Christina Rivera @savvybroadcasting talks about her book My Crazy Roommates. This memoir shares her extraordinary experiences that shaped her perspective on life and the power of laughter. SavvyBroadcasting.com #NewYork, #NYC, #Lessons, #Humor #Memoir
Diane Pienta talks about her book Be the Magic: Bite-Sized Nuggets of Wisdom to Feed Your Joy, Nourish Your Soul and Open Your Heart. DianePienta.com #selfdevelopment #positivevibes #healthymindset #wisdom #joy #author
Fitness Expert Laine D’Souza talks about her new book Confidence Unleashed which helps the reader conquer self-doubt by providing actionable steps to overcome it. wmrranchfit.com #confidence #exercise #mentalhealth #mindset
Chuck Wisner talks about his book The Art of Conscious Conversations which gives practical tools for navigating any conversation for healthier relationships. ChuckWisner.com #connectwithyourself #personalgrowthtips #beyourtrueself #growthanddevelopment #personaldevelopmentjourney #yourbestself #createthelifeyoulove #makechanges #personalgrowthanddevelopment #takecontrolofyourlife #thinkbigger #transformyourlife #findingmyself #createthelifeyouwant #beyourbestyou #personaldevelopmentcoach #improveyourself #motivationalcoach
Retired Fire Captain, Christy Warren talks about her book Flash Point which chronicles her journey with PTSD and gives hope to all afflicted. ChristyEWarren.com #PTSD #firefighters #firstresponders #lawenforcement #paramedics #dispatchers #resilency #mentalhealth #recovery #suicideprevention
Dr. Mark Halpern returns to LIFEOLOGY® Radio to give you practical ways you change your surroundings to find more joy and peace. CoherenceRevolution.com #CoherenceRevolutionCommunity #heartmath #mindfulness #meditation #coaching #gratitude #wellness #consciousness #meditate #breathe #stress #relaxation #drmarkhalpern
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Specialist, Karith Foster @karithfoster talks about the importance of belonging and respect. Karith.com #diversity #inclusion #belonging #respect #equity
Teresa Greco shares her epiphany of checking off all of life’s boxes but still not feeling fulfilled. Hear what she did to find happiness. TeresaGreco.ca #happiness #authenticself #intentional #stepstotruehappiness
Daniel Mangena @thedreamerceo talks about his Beyond Intention Paradigm, a simple, four-step system that began as a lifeline when grappling with suicidal thoughts and became a path to lasting joy and purpose. DreamWithDan.com #mindset, #aspergers, #suicide, #hope
Ice Skater and Playwright, Frank D’Agostino talks about his latest musical, Ice Champion, which merges ice skating, theatre, music, and performance. www.IceChampion.net #icecahampion #iceskating #musical #broadway
Dr. @SusannahBaldwin talks about her book Women, Language, and Power which will help you learn why women tend to speak the way they do and when it’s wise to reach for new language choices. SusannahBaldwin.com #language #womeninleadership #leadership
Rocky Romanella @3Sixtymgt teaches you how to avoid toxic work environments and how to be effective with a work-life leadership style. Tightenthelugnuts.com #leadership#tightenthelugnuts ##toxicworkplace #toxicpeople #forbes #forbesarticle #latestforbesarticle #forbescounsils #workplace #management #managementskills #leadershipskills #leadershipadvice #CEO #CEOskills #CEOhelp
Career Coach, Sue Schlom teaches gives you five steps to write your targeted resume to stand out with your next hiring manager. TheTargetedResume.com #sueschlom #careers, #careersadvice, #jobhuntingtips, #resume #resumewriiting #jobsearchstrategies #recruiter #jobcoach
Dr. Jackie Heller talks about her book, Tomorrow Never Sleeps which helps people understand how their past traumas influence them today. acquelineheller.com #mindset #trauma #introspection #jackie.med.9
Author, Lyle Greenfield talks about his new book Uniting the States of America which is a self-care plan for a wounded nation. LyleJGreenfield.com #politics #elections #Lylegreenfield #author
Debbie Kimberg shares her story and gives ways you can test and treat your child who may have been infected with Lyme Disease. DebbieKimberg.com #hijackedbrains #lymedisease #tickbornediseases #autism #pans #adhd #Bartonella #Borrelia #Babesia
We all get overwhelmed and sometimes don’t know what to do. LIFE LESSONS is your new “go-to” book to help you navigate life.
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