Shift your perspective | Maureen St. Germain

Shifting your perspective will help you focus on what is healthy for you.

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In every situation we have a choice on how we are going to act. Often we are on auto-pilot and allow circumstances to dictate our actions. When you shift your perception to focus on what is healthy for you, or even what truly matters, you live a fulfilled life. Don’t allow your perception to distract you from seeing all the miracles around you.

Author, Maureen St. Germain shares her teachings of shifting from the mundane world to living a conscious life full of intention. She reviews her book, Waking Up in 5D: A Practical Guide to Multidimensional Transformation. This book will give you tools and teachings to guide you in the transition from the polarized mindset of the 3rd dimension to the joy and love of 5th dimensional vibrations. It will help you shift your perception to what is happening in the world around you. For more information about Maureen, please visit: 

You may purchase Maureen’s book Waking Up in 5D: A Practical Guide to Multidimensional Transformation  at or at JamesMillerLIFEOLOGY®.com

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Maureen St. Germain – Waking Up in 5D: A Practical Guide to Multidimensional Transformation

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