Small investment, big return | Everett Jolly

James Miller | LIFEOLOGY® Radio

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Often we think we don’t have enough of something to make a difference – enough time, money, energy. The reality is every large thing has to start somewhere. When you focus on what you can invest instead of what you cannot, you will gain a huge return. When you are overwhelmed or feeling defeated, you are thinking too big… start small and earn big.

Everett Jolly, CEO of Uptick Newswire and the author of Nano Stocks, Big Money: Nano-Cap Picks for 2017, shares his wisdom regarding the power of penny stocks. He has researched multiple companies and gives individuals, who may not have much capital to invest, a roadmap to earn a substantial return on their investment. For more information about Everett Jolly, please visit: You may purchase Everett’s book on JamesMillerLIFEOLOGY®.com.

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