So Empowered | Lillian So

James Miller | LIFEOLOGY® Radio
James Miller | LIFEOLOGY® Radio
James Miller | LIFEOLOGY®

Where you simplify and transform your spirit, mind, and body

Thank you so much for listening to LIFEOLOGY®. I would love to connect with you. Be sure to follow me on all social media platforms under the name JamesMillerLIFEOLOGY®. I am very active on Instagram and create mini videos with quick tips and tools that you can immediately implement. Be sure to say hello and follow me there.

If you are on the edge of burnout—or already there; if you are proud of being a workaholic; if you brag about how little sleep you can get by with; if you believe you must fuel your body with energy drinks and coffee to stay energized; if you are so focused on building an empire that you forget to enjoy the journey….than Lillian So’s message is for you!  

Lillian can guide you because she has been there! A Korean-American daughter of immigrants, she was wounded by family members complaining about her weight as a child, and so she unconsciously strived to prove them wrong by building an early career as a fitness trainer with a degree in Kinesiology from the University of Illinois. Moving to the West Coast, she created a thriving business that often had her training 40 clients a week. She was making lots of money and living the life she had imagined!

Until she wasn’t… Until burnout struck and she experienced a terrifying panic attack. A trip home to the embrace of family enabled her to take stock, that something required change. She came home and ultimately signed on for yoga teacher training. It was exactly what she needed to slow down, get in touch with her body and open her spiritual channels. It was there that she learned about the 5 Layers of the Body. 

In today’s episode, Lillian and James talk about her book So Empowered: Discover the Five Layers of the Body To Take Control of Your Life. This book teaches you another way to live, one that will give you a life that is far more fulfilling, lived with your cup full instead of nearly always running on empty, with relationships that renew you, money that flows without hamster-wheel effort, a body that lovingly supports you at your optimum and an awareness that you are not alone, that you have a life-long support system and safety net.  

For more information about Lillian and her book visit
Instagram: @meetlillianso and @meetlillianso

#soempowered #lillianso yoga #health #mindfulness #meditation #mindfullness #healthylifestyle #mindful #positivity #gratitude #mindset #selfcare #healing #mentalhealth #wellness #mindbodysoul

Below you may watch the uncut video interview with James and Lillian

You may purchase the book on amazon.

Have you ever thought, “I’d love to start my own radio or podcast but I have no idea how to start?” Or, are you a seasoned veteran who wants to level up and improve all aspects of your show? I will be working with a select few to help you either start or polish your show. 

Here are just a few topics I will teach you. 

  • How to create your brand and how to be specific with your niche and audience
  • Types of equipment you should use to help you improve the quality of your audio and video,
  • How to air your show on most podcasting platforms
  • Teach you which recording platforms are the best for your needs
  • Teach you the importance of a show clock – A must-have!
  • The do’s and don’ts of writing your show notes
  • How to Increase the reach of your audience and generate traffic to your website
  • I”ll also introduce you to some of my contacts and previous guests.
  • and many more things.

I’ll also be offering a select few the opportunity to broadcast their show on my platforms and have access to my 3.5 million listeners. It’s time for you to stand out and share your message with the world. Once again go to

Don’t miss anything happening at James Miller | LIFEOLOGY®. Sign up for the free Weekly Recap. You may also subscribe to this radio show here.

If you’d like to become a guest or a show sponsor please visit JamesMillerLIFEOLOGY®.com for more information.

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