45 minute video Skype consultation with James!

We all deserve happiness, even if you don’t feel like it at the moment.If you would like to work with me, as well as receive consultation rates, please complete the contact form below.


45 minute Skype video consultation with James!

Contact James below for consultation packages.

Your life is an amazing gift. How you choose to live it is up to you. We all have daily choices, some conscious and most unconscious, of how we are going to proceed throughout our day. I’m often asked the question, “James, is there more to life than this?” When you feel this way it means that there are signs of mediocrity in your life. No, your life does not always have to be in the spotlight or even on the mountain top, so to speak, but it can be continually moving forward.

There is always an opportunity to grow and develop.

Reaching your full potential is a slow and steady process. Yes, you may have good breaks that catapult you to the next level, but in order to have the foundation you need to maintain it, you must continually grow and build, even if it appears as if nothing overt is happening.

These are some of the areas of consultation in which I specialize:

  • Improving your business goals and aspirations
  • Creating and implementing successful goals and objectives in your life
  • Helping you pinpoint areas of mediocrity in your life
  • Developing strategies to overcome problematic areas in your life.
  • Reframing ways to look at your current situation
  • Discovering the lesson in each situation
  • Recognizing areas of wasted energy in your life
  • Ignoring the “naysayers” and negative people in your life

We all deserve happiness, even if you don’t feel like it at the moment.

If you would like to work with me, as well as receive consultation rates, please complete the contact form below.

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