Alicia Hill-Marceau – Finally Me! Thanks to vertical sleeve gastrectomy

If you are considering weight loss surgery, you are probably at the end of your rope and wondering if VSG surgery or some other type of weight loss surgery is right for you. You are not alone. Purchase it today.


Being fat sucks!

There is nothing worse than feeling depressed, invisible and feeling like there is nowhere to go. But guess what? There is a solution.

It’s called Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG) and it truly works. You can have a life that you have always dreamed of. Finally Me! will show you how to get there, what to expect and how to become excited to finally LIVE.

If you are considering weight loss surgery, you are probably at the end of your rope and wondering if VSG surgery or some other type of weight loss surgery is right for you. You are not alone.

Alicia Hill-Marceau started her weight loss journey at 321 pounds. In Finally Me! she documents exactly what she did to lose 132 pounds, including what she needed to do before, during and after vsg surgery. She writes in such an honest and captivating way that you won’t be able to put the book down once you pick it up.

Based on her years of blogging, Finally Me! is a raw and honest look at weight loss from someone who was once morbidly obese. This book will motivate you, encourage you and hopefully push you to take action.

If you want the inside scoop on weight loss surgery from someone who has done it and lost 132 pounds, this book is for you. It is not easy, and it requires a lot of work, sacrifices and tough choices, but as Alicia Hill-Marceau says, it’s worth it to have the life you’ve always dreamed of.

#weightloss, #obesity, #gastrectomy, #success, #life, #self_esteem, #author, @alicia.hillmarceau

James Miller | Lifeology receives a nominal commission for the sale of this book.