Allen Klein – Secrets Kids Know…

Humorous Keynote Speaker and Therapeutic Humor Expert, Allen Klein’s latest book, Secrets Kids Know…that Adults Oughta Learn: Enriching Your Life by Viewing It Through The Eyes of a Child, is now available for purchase on and on

This great new book uses humor and anecdotes to help adults see the world through the eyes of a child – honest, sincere, and wide-eyed, to tackle life’s modern issues.

Purchase it today.


Secrets Kids Know…that Adults Oughta Learn: Enriching Your Life by Viewing It Through The Eyes of a Child

Kids have a fantastic way of looking at the world, and they are kind, curious, and completely honest about the things they experience. We tend to lose those natural traits as we get older, but it doesn’t have to be that way. In Allen Klein’s new book, parents share stories of the lessons they’ve learned from their children, from the hilarious anecdotes that make you think to the out-of-nowhere, almost melancholy thoughts on modern issues.

Secrets Kids Know. . . that Adults Oughta Learn will help you get back to your unbiased childhood mind, all the while entertaining you with the incredible things that could only come out of the mouth of a child.

For more information about the author, please visit:


Secrets Kids Know…made me smile countless times as it genuinely captures the magic of childhood and play. It is a must-read for anybody who loves children or wants to improve their connection with their inner child.” ―Pam Wener, retired preschool teacher

“Kids may know lots of secrets, but Allen Klein knows more! His latest book, Secrets Kids Know…That Adults Oughta Learn, will not only make you laugh out loud, but will make your heart smile and enjoy your life just a little more.” ―Blythe Lipman, parenting expert, host of Baby and Toddler Instructions radio show

“People who are serious in their wish for peace and joy must read this book. It will show them that the adult world needs the “beginner’s mind” of a young child and the sense of wonder that it can bring. Graduates of preschools can teach this important lesson to anyone who wants to live in a happier and healthier world.” ―Helen Stucky Weaver, founder of

“Your book put a smile on my face. It reminded me of all the child- hood perspectives I once experienced. Sad to say as an adult I have left them behind. Your writing has truly helped me reset myself, thank you. This book will be the one I buy for friends.” ―David Mann, Paul Newman’s Serious Fun camp director

“How easy it is to forget the feeling of being childlike―ringing the bell on your bike, laughing hysterically with your best friend for no reason, or eating the dessert first! The secrets kids know have each rolled out like my old bag of marbles thanks to Allen Klein’s true connection to us as a kid at heart.” ―Sue Stephenson, author of Kidding Around and creator of Happiness at School

“What happens when you combine Allen Klein’s extraordinary talent with the playful energy that comes from discovering the secrets of kids? As you start to read, be ready to experience pure joy. You will not be able to put this book down.” ―Mary Kay Morrison, MSEd, author of Using Humor to Maximize Living

“Allen Klein brilliantly reveals that the joys of seeing life through the eyes of a child are available to all of us adults, right here, right now. Secrets Kids Know demonstrates that there’s a big difference between acting childlike and acting childish. Let the fun begin!” ―Matt Weinstein, co-author of Work Like Your Dog

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