Erica Peitler – Leadership Rigor!

Leadership Rigor is a powerful book which creates change-ready leaders who can embrace challenges because they have the tools, models, and language to assess, structure, and facilitate aligned actions. Purchase it today.


Leadership Rigor!: Breakthrough Performance & Productivity Leading Yourself, Teams, Organizations

Transform the Way You Lead! Leadership Rigor offers innovation in leadership through its breakthrough approaches for transforming the way you lead. The simple truth is that how you lead is the precursor to what you can achieve as a leader, yet it is often underestimated, dismissed, or not given a conscious consideration. In March 2014, Bersin by Deloitte published their latest Global Human Capital Trend Survey stating: Building leadership capability is by far the most urgent need for companies today… and companies see the need for leadership at all levels, in all geographies, and across all functional areas. In addition, this continuous need for new and better leaders has accelerated. Leadership Rigor views your development as a journey with a road map rather than a black-box mystery! It is both a practice and a philosophy designed to accelerate your leadership performance and productivity across the life cycle of your career. Already becoming a movement, Leadership Rigor prepares you to lead yourself, teams, and organizations. The essence of Leadership Rigor is creating change-ready leaders who can embrace challenges because they have the tools, models, and language to assess, structure, and facilitate aligned actions. They also have the mindset and emotional skills to lean into the change process despite its uncomfortable nature. By innovating on their preparedness first, these change-ready leaders are equipped to realize the growth in themselves and in their teams or organizations. Are you ready to take on your personal journey of Leadership Rigor?

*James Miller | Lifeology receives a nominal commission for this sale.