Helen Hipp – Rosie and Friends Positively Different

Rosie and Friends Positively Different @RosieTheHippo is a book that is a positive narrative that helps children learn to value themselves and appreciate each other for their differences. Purchase it today.


This book is a positive narrative that helps children learn to value themselves and appreciate each other for their differences. Hipp’s books offer hope and insight, that can help parents talk about difficult issues in their child’s world, opening up conversation in a positive way. Rosie the Pink Hippo asks readers “What advice would you give your friends who want to feel better about themselves” in this adventure book to help readers see that being different can be positive. Join Rosie the Pink Hippo, Olivia the Ostrich, and many others in this educational and eye-opening 28-page illustrated children’s book, Rosie and Friends Positively Different, a creative and fun teaching tool intended for parents, caregivers, teachers, and children who may have felt at some point in their life that they were different from their peers.