Jen Marr – Paws to Comfort

Paws to Comfort @InspiringComfort teaches you how to effectively use comfort, as a skill, to effectively help your family and friends. #jenmarr #dogs #comfort #empathy #emotions #tragedy #healing #hope #inspiringcomfort


Paws To Comfort: An Everyday Guide To Learning How You Can Help Mend Our Disconnected World Perfect Paperback

Unlock an understanding of how to comfort others. This book is born of three core beliefs: that comfort is critical to mending our disconnected world, that comfort is a skill that can be re-learned, and that we can learn a lot about comfort from dogs. It’s a beautiful book of touching stories, graphics, and rich color photos making the case for creating a culture of comfort in our divided and disconnected world. The last section is a personal planner so you can become a better comforter and go out and make a difference to others who desperately need to know someone cares…………………. You’ve been there. You rush into the grocery store and head down the bread aisle right into someone you know has cancer. The executive that just lost his job. The acquaintance whose brother recently died by suicide. You don’t know what to say to them. You feel anxious. You want to do the right thing and do something to help but what if you make them cry? What if you make it worse? Our intentions are good, but our skills are woefully underdeveloped. Never has there been a time that calls for learning how to comfort more. Despite our 24/7 technology, we struggle to navigate the turbulent waters of an increasingly divided, isolated, and disconnected world as we see escalating anxiety, depression, and suicide rates. Searching for a solution, we found one close to home and close to our hearts. Dogs. Dogs are natural-born comfort givers. They instinctively know how to make us feel better.

#jenmarr #dogs #comfort #empathy #emotions #tragedy #healing #hope #inspiringcomfort