Judi Miller – Perfect

Judi Miller’s @judi_a_miller, Perfect, helps you open your own heart and access forgiveness, even for the most painful acts. JudiMiller.net #JudiMillerAuthor #judiamiller #forgiveness #transformation #love #perfect


Perfect: A Path to Love, Forgiveness, and Transformation

A Journey of Ultimate Forgiveness and Letting Go

All her life, Judi was plagued by feelings of fear, of not fitting in, and of not being enough. Facing a crisis of purpose, she embarks on a transformational journey of self-discovery and uncovers a shocking past-life connection to someone dear to her.

She learns to open her heart, release her stories, and understand forgiveness in a whole new way.

This compelling and relatable narrative includes reflections and exercises to help you open your own heart and access forgiveness, even for the most painful acts. You’ll come away with a profound understanding that despite—or perhaps because of—our perceived flaws and mistakes, we can all experience the world as it really is: Perfect.

Order your copy of Perfect today. Order your copy of Perfect today. Available in Kindle, paperback and hardcover


#JudiMillerAuthor #judiamiller @judi_a_miller #forgiveness #transformation #love #perfect

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