Episode 187: When your character is questioned
We all experience adversity in our lives where people will question our character and morals. Learn how to overcome this. #adversity, #positivevibes #haters #encouragement #mindset
Where you simplify and transform your spirit, mind, and body
We all experience adversity in our lives where people will question our character and morals. Learn how to overcome this. #adversity, #positivevibes #haters #encouragement #mindset
Nelson Tressler @nelsontressler talks about his book The Unlucky Sperm Club that encourages you to ask the question, what defines you? NelsonTressler.com @NelsonTressler #adversity #mindset #positivevibes #choices #entrepreneur #resilience #determination #motivation #smalltown #ispiration #deathrow #abuse #overcomingadversity #jamesmillerlifeology
James Miller is interviewed on Health Media Now where he teaches you how to live a balanced, symmetrical, life full of joy. James Miller is a licensed psychotherapist and a piano composer. After 10 years in private practice James left Learn more…
Fred Stuvek @FredStuvekreviews his book, It Starts with You, which is an instructional manual that teaches you how to accomplish change by focusing on your brain. ItStartsWithYou.net #FredStuvek #leadership #adversity #goals #success
Chris Ruden shares how he overcame his adversity from being born with a congenital birth defect. He inspires others who have limitations and disabilities. #titangames #ChrisRuden #OTFBoyntonBeach #orangetheory
Rain falls on the just and the unjust, meaning life happens. Regardless of the type of person you are we will all experience overwhelming situations. What do you do? When this happens it’s important for you to surround yourself with Learn more…
When we experience a negative situation, we often think that our life will remain the same. When you use your emotions to negatively forecast your future, your future will be bleak. #anxiety #worry #fear #hope #goals #jamesmillerlifeology
Circumstances and people will often tell us who we are or who we should become. When we are discouraged we often believe these lies and we become something we were never meant to be. The opposite of truth is belief. Learn more…
Jessie Henderson is a successful entrepreneur and a single mother who makes it look effortless. She shares her story of overcoming adversity as well as gives encouraging advice to single parents on how to prioritize their life and how to emotionally reset as a family. TheSaltSuite.com #parenting #singleparent #children #adversity #perspective
Your voice is a powerful tool to keep you safe. As children our environment teaches us our worth and value. Often we learn that we don’t have a voice in our well-being. As adults we feel the same way and Learn more…
Are you prepared for the perfect storm? You will learn practical tools and techniques to help you prepare for life happening. Did you realize that you can reset how you feel right now so later today you won’t feel the Learn more…
Life will always give us the same lesson to learn until we finally get it. Kay Sanders reviews her inspirational story and how she had to relearn life lessons to become the successful person she is today. KaySanders.com
Life will always strike when we least expect it. What do you do? After the initial shock it’s important to focus on what you can control instead of what you cannot. If you take an emotional snapshot of your life Learn more…
Chris Ruden shares how he overcame his adversity from being born with a congenital birth defect. He inspires others who have limitations and disabilities. #titangames #ChrisRuden
Jessie Henderson is a successful entrepreneur and a single mother who makes it look effortless. She shares her story of overcoming adversity as well as gives encouraging advice to single parents on how to prioritize their life and how to emotionally reset as a family. TheSaltSuite.com #parenting #singleparent #children #adversity #perspective
Robert Crown reviews his book Suffering Ends When Awakening Begins which will inspire you and give you the courage to overcome any obstacles you may face. For more information on Robert please visit: CrownRobert.com. You may also purchase Robert’s book on amazon or in the store at JamesMillerLIFEOLOGY®.com.
Robert Crown reviews his book Suffering Ends When Awakening Begins which will inspire you and give you the courage to overcome any obstacles you may face.
Life will always give us the same lesson to learn until we finally get it. As children, we learned never to touch fire. Why, as adults, do we re-engage in situations or with people that, afterwards, we beat ourselves up Learn more…
Circumstances and people will often tell us who we are or who we should become. When we are discouraged we often believe these lies and we become something we were never meant to be. The opposite of truth is belief. Learn more…
Life will always strike when we least expect it. What do you do? After the initial shock it’s important to focus on what you can control instead of what you cannot. If you take an emotional snapshot of your life Learn more…