Defeat Your Cravings | Dr. Glenn Livingston

Dr Glenn Livingston discusses his new book Defeat Your Cravings which teaches you ways to manage any food cravings you may have. #cravings #overeating #stopovereating #bingeeating

Defeat Your Cravings | Dr. Glenn Livingston

Dr Glenn Livingston talks about his new book Defeat Your Cravings which teaches you ways to manage any food cravings you may have. #cravings #overeating #stopovereating #bingeeating

45 Binge Trigger Busters | Dr. Glenn Livingston

Dr. Glenn Livingston shares successful ways to help those who struggle with binge eating and are triggered by food to never binge again. #eatingdisorders #bingeeating #diet #nutirtion #willpower #healthychoices #neverbingeagain #glennlivinston

45 Binge Trigger Busters | Dr. Glenn Livingston

Dr. Glenn Livingston @neverbingeagain shares successful ways to help those who struggle with binge eating and are triggered by food to never binge again. #eatingdisorders #bingeeating #diet #nutirtion #willpower #healthychoices #neverbingeagain #glennlivinston