You are Enough | Mary Hyatt

Mary Hyatt helps you challenge your core beliefs and realize that you are more than enough to break your cycle of self-sabotage. #maryhyatt #corebeliefs #positivevibes #positivemindset #healthymindset #mindset #change #awareness

Be the change agent | Ron Carucci

Do you know how to be an effective change agent? Did you know that you are going to grow and develop whether you want to or not? Life is always changing. You can either be proactive and become who you Learn more…

Exercise and mental health | Dr. Ouida Brown

Dr. Ouida Brown @ouilifeouilove shares her story of using exercise as a way to cope with the death of her mother. She advocates for physical exercise with her patients to live a more balanced life. #running #marathon #Mentalhealth #xercise

Your repurposed life | Marc Miller

A repurposed life is a fulfilled life. As we grow up our interests and personality change. We often feel that we have to remain in the same vocation or career because that’s what we were always taught. Did you realize Learn more…

LIFEOLOGY® | Episode 181: Changing your Perspective

Did you know that if you rearrange your furniture it gives you a different outlook and perspective on what you are currently feeling? #inspiration #life #instagood #health #motivation #mindset #covid #selfcare #selflove #positivevibes #morivation #change #lifehacks #love #perspective #tips #lifetips #wellness #goals #coronavirus #growth #stayhome #mindfulness #hope #quarantine #staysafe #socialdistancing #pandemic #JamesMillerLIFEOLOGY®

Celebrate or tolerate? | Ken Foster

Ken Foster asks if you celebrate or tolerate your life. Often we forget that we have a choice. We think we have to spend time with certain people or try and get people to like us. You may be frustrated Learn more…

Transformational change | Dr. David James

Your transformational change starts today! We all remember the old commercial that says “Your mind is a terrible thing to waste, ” but did you realize there it is much more powerful than you think? Many of us don’t use Learn more…

Celebrate or tolerate? | Ken Foster

Ken Foster asks if you celebrate or tolerate your life.   Often we forget that we have a choice. We think we have to spend time with certain people or try and get people to like us. You may be Learn more…

Accept diversity | Jason Dowd

When you accept diversity in others you grow and develop. We are all different in some way. We often use global labeling, a form of stereotyping, and think that one person who has “wronged” us is the representative of that Learn more…

Self-Intelligence | Jane Ransom

Jane Ransom @TheJaneRansom reviews her book Self-Intelligence: The New Science-Based Approach to Reaching Your True Potential. She helps you understand that your brain continually rewires itself to help you move beyond any barriers you may have placed in your life. #intelligence #mediocrity #change #science #nueroplasticity #brain

Accept diversity | Jason Dowd

When you accept diversity in others you grow and develop. We are all different in some way. We often use global labeling, a form of stereotyping, and think that one person who has “wronged” us is the representative of that Learn more…

Change your perspective | Chad E Cooper

Your thoughts, or rather your perspective, determine what you feel. Your feelings determine how your body responds. When you slow down and realize what your perspective is in everything you do, you realize that you are wasting energy and aren’t Learn more…

Today is your day! | Jimmy Nelson

Your future starts today. We often look at famous people and think we could never be like them. When we think too far out in our future we often feel overwhelmed and think we can never achieve our goals. When Learn more…

Be the change agent | Ron Carucci

Do you know how to be an effective change agent? Did you know that you are going to grow and develop whether you want to or not? Life is always changing. You can either be proactive and become who you Learn more…

Episode 161: Your Life is Like a Jigsaw Puzzle

Life happens. Each event you experience is like a jigsaw puzzle piece. Each event is linked together to create the bigger picture, which is you. #perspective #positivevibes #inspire #inspiration #motivation #mind #wellness #jamesmillerlifeology

Preventing Backstabbing Friends

Not every friend you have is healthy for you. Listen to how your friends talk about others because that is how they are talking about you. Conversely, be mindful of what you say about others because your friends are listening to you as well. #friendships #relationships #gossip #meangirls #backstabbing #communication #assertiveness #motivate #inspire #change #evolve

Becoming Your Healthiest Self | Angela Legh

Author, Angela Legh # shares her story of coming out of an abusive marriage and how it helped her become her healthiest self. #AngelaLeghauthor #author #marriage #abuse #change #healthiest #self #choices

Transformational change | Dr. David James

Your transformational change starts today! We all remember the old commercial that says “Your mind is a terrible thing to waste, ” but did you realize there it is much more powerful than you think? Many of us don’t use Learn more…

Too Much Baggage

Baggage is something we all feel we have at some time in our life. What exactly is baggage? Baggage is an analogy we use to describe things in our past that we bring into a new situation. It often interferes Learn more…

Be the change agent | Ron Carucci

Do you know how to be an effective change agent? Did you know that you are going to grow and develop whether you want to or not? Life is always changing. You can either be proactive and become who you Learn more…