The Success Mindset | Paola Knecht

Paola Knecht @paolaknechttalks about her latest book, The Success Mindset, which teaches you eleven pillars to untap the higher Self that lives within you. #paolaknecht #success #Mindset #leadership #positivethinking #selfcare #choices #jamesmillerlifeology #lifeology #selfdiscovery #mindpowercoaching

Turns: Where Business is Won and Lost | Steve McKee

Steve McKee @stevemckee discusses his book Turns: Where business is won and lost, which connects the dots between the readers’ past and present and affects their company’s well-being and success. #businessdevelopment #business #choices #leadership #leadershipdevelopment

Living Authentically | Ora Nadrich

Life Coach, Ora Nadrich @OraNadrich explains the concept of mindfulness and teaches you how to live authentically regardless of what transpires around you. #oranadrich #liveauthentically #mindfullness #choices #insight #positivevibes #dialectic #authenticity #awakening #AuthorOraNadrich #OraNadrichQuotes #TheIFTT

The Actor: How to Live an Authentic Life | Don Miguel Ruiz

Spiritual teacher Don Miguel Ruiz @DonMIguelRuiz reviews his latest book, The Actor, which teaches you how to live an authentic life. #DonMiguelRuiz #4agreements #authentic #selfdevelopment #choices #healhtymindset #positivevibes #introspection

What Defines You? | Nelson Tressler

Nelson Tressler @nelsontressler talks about his book The Unlucky Sperm Club that encourages you to ask the question, what defines you? @NelsonTressler #adversity #mindset #positivevibes #choices #entrepreneur #resilience #determination #motivation #smalltown #ispiration #deathrow #abuse #overcomingadversity #jamesmillerlifeology

Bigger, Better, Braver | Nancy Pickard

Nancy Pickard @cnancyrun reviews her best seller: Bigger Better Braver, which helps you unleash your greatest potential. #biggerbetterbraver #nancypickardlifecoach #finalist #forewardreviews #lifecoach #conqueryourfears #jamesmillerlifeology #choices #inspiration #motivation

Your “WHY” and “HOW” | Corey Poirier

Corey Poirier shares his book, The Book of WHY and HOW helps readers tap into their purpose so they can thrive in a more enlightened way. #CoreyPoirer #passion #purpose #choices #inspiration #motivation #entrepreneur #entrepreneurlife #success #focus #hustle #hustler #sidehustle #influencer #highachiever #TedX #EOF #thatspeakerguy #quotes #leadership #business #success #blutalks #legacy #publicspeaking #tedtalks #speaker #podcaster #entrepreneurship #goals #inspirational #thebookofwhy

Finding happiness | Vernon Brown

Vernon Brown @Whatsyourhappi
shares dedicated his life to helping others find their version of happiness. His life coaching business will inspire you to find your happiness. #Happiness #beliefs #choices #inspire #motivate #comfortzone

Your authentic health | Dr. Gus Vickery

Dr. Vickery shares key points from his book, Authentic Health, to empower you to embrace new patterns for living and reclaim the good health that’s within you. #responsibility #choices #wellness

Perception – Seeing is Not Believing | James Purpura

James Purpura #ThePowerfulU explains how your life’s perception determines your success. He reviews his movie and book, Perception: Seeing is Not Believing, that teaches practical lessons of self-transformation for unlimited success. #perception #beliefs #success #choices

Creating Self-Acceptance

What we tell ourselves determines our value and worth. Negative core beliefs often stop up from self-acceptance and limit future success. #acceptance #love #perception #corebeliefs #choices #jamesmillerlifeology #healthy

Be true to self | Dr. Rosie Kuhn

Making the hard decision to be true to self. Many well-meaning people have wonderful expectations for us. However, as we grow, those expectations do not match what we feel is healthy for us. Making a decision to be true to Learn more…


We have so much data and evidence in our life of things we’ve overcome. There are times when we lose perspective on this and become consumed with things that are relatively small. You are much more resilient than you think.

Change your thoughts | Kevin Murphy

Kevin Murphy discusses his book The Three Rooms: Change Your #Thoughts, Change Your #Life which uses simple yet profound #imagery to help you focus on your #present moment rather than your #past or hypothetical #future. @KevinMurphy3R

Blindsided by life | Allison Graham, Episode 1/2

Rain falls on the just and the unjust, meaning life happens. Regardless of the type of person you are we will all experience overwhelming situations. What do you do? When this happens it’s important for you to surround yourself with Learn more…

Find your happiness | Vernon Brown

Vernon Brown @Whatsyourhappi
shares dedicated his life to helping others find their version of happiness. His life coaching business will inspire you to find your happiness. #Happiness #beliefs #choices #inspire #motivate #comfortzone

In charge of your happiness | James Miller

James Miller was a guest on the Inspire Before We Expire Podcast #terrellsumpter where he shares we are all self-made people and in charge or our own happiness. #happiness #productivity #fulfillment #choices #healthy #wellness #jamesmillerlifeology

Truth to triumph | Lily Sanders

Circumstances and people will often tell us who we are or who we should become. When we are discouraged we often believe these lies and we become something we were never meant to be. The opposite of truth is belief. Learn more…

LIFEOLOGY® | Episode 186 – And Then What…?

Humans have the privilege of experiencing all emotions. When you ask the questions, “and then what…” you’ll be mindful of consequences of your actions. #choices #positivevibes #mindset #consistency #mentaltoughness #unbeatable #inspiration #happy #success #happiness #goodvibes #selflove #motivation #loveyourself #lifestyle #goals #selfcare #JamesMillerLifeology #hope #mentalhealth #wellness #mindfulness

Change your perspective | Chad E Cooper

Your thoughts, or rather your perspective, determine what you feel. Your feelings determine how your body responds. When you slow down and realize what your perspective is in everything you do, you realize that you are wasting energy and aren’t Learn more…