So Empowered | Lillian So

Lillian So talks about her book So Empowered which teaches you another way to live, that you have a life-long support system and safety net. #soempowered #lillianso yoga #health #mindfulness #meditation #mindfullness #healthylifestyle #mindful #positivity #gratitude #mindset #selfcare #healing #mentalhealth #wellness #mindbodysoul

Myung Sung: The Korean Art of Living Meditation | Dr. Jenelle Kim

Dr. Jenelle Kim @jenellemkim talks about her book, Myung Sung: The Korean Art of Living Meditation, which teaches you how to actively live in a state of mindfulness and meditation. #drjenellemkim #myungsung #livingmeditation #myungsungmeditation #myungsungmovement #myungsungmedicine #meditation #mindfulness #healthylifestyle #mindful #positivity #gratitude #mindset #selfcare #healing #mentalhealth #wellness #mindbodysoul

The Formula For Miracles | Brent Phillips

Brent Phillips reviews his book The Formula for Miracles: Where Science Reveals the Secrets of the Spirit, which teaches you how to create your miracles. #brentphillips #miracles #lawofattraction #science #healing #theformulaformiracles

You Met Her Where? | Kevin and Steph Mason

Kevin and Steph Mason @KevinStephMason talk about their book, You Met Her Where which will encourage you and give you a roadmap to overcome whatever obstacle you face. #KevinStephMason #tellusagoodstory #believe #peace #Infertility #Healing #Faith #Hope #Electrocution #health #happiness #truth #miscarriage #infertility #medical #electrocution #positivevibes #positivity #selfcare #mindfulness #healing #mentalhealth #christian #trust #thoughts #mindset #positivemind #jamesmillerlifeology #nonhodgkins

Create Your Miraculous Life | Wendy Darling

Wendy Darling reviews her book Create Your Miraculous LIfe which teaches you how to create a life by your design. #Miraculous #Wendydarling #Healing #positivevibes #loveyourself #happiness #energy #spiritualawakening #awakening #consciousness #believe #positivity #peace #healthylifestyle #selfcare #mindfulness #meditation #love #healing #mentalhealth #selflove #inspiration #health #motivation #life #JamesMillerLifeology

Peace After Combat | Dr. Tiffany Tajiri

Dr. Tiffany Tajini reviews her book, Peace After Combat that takes a hard look at the trauma experienced by veterans and their faith in God. #peaceaftercombat #healing #restoration #rhythmrestoration #combat #veterans #DrTiffanyTajiri #Ptsd #ptsdrecovery #ptsdawareness #suicideprevention #survivor #selflove #stress #traumarecovery #psychology #wellness #therapy #trauma #mentalhealthawareness #depression #mentalhealth #ptsd #cptsd #anxiety #mentalhealthmatters #healing #selfcare #JamesMillerLifeology

So Empowered | Lillian So

Lillian So talks about her book So Empowered which teaches you another way to live, that you have a life-long support system and safety net. #soempowered #lillianso yoga #health #mindfulness #meditation #mindfullness #healthylifestyle #mindful #positivity #gratitude #mindset #selfcare #healing #mentalhealth #wellness #mindbodysoul

LIFEOLOGY® – Episode 183: Feeling Loss During the Holidays

During the holidays many of us feel our loss. Creating structure with a detailed plan of hte day helps you stay focused in the moment. #holiday #love #Holiday #Grief #Thanksgiving #holidays #Christmas #life #griefandloss #thanksgivingdinner #christmastime #selfcare #covid #hope #support #grieving #healing #grief #mentalhealth #loss #depression #xmas #Anniversary #family #jamemsillerlifeology #lifeology

Forgiveness during grief | Rahn Anthoni

Showing forgiveness during your grief allows you to fully heal. Unfortunately, we all will experience some form of grief in our life. The event will not make sense because we never would have done what was done to us. One of Learn more…

Remembering your dreams | Cheryl Bannerman

Do you remember the dreams you used to have? When we were younger we had hopes and dreams for our lives. Unfortunately, life happened. For many of us those hopes and dreams are in the past; we’ve settled for mediocrity Learn more…

Using your past to heal others | Adele McLay

Life happens. We all will experience pain in our lives. It’s natural to grieve and surround yourself with those who support you. It’s vital that as you pass through your grief that you share your story with others. When we are grief-striken Learn more…

Finding your Resilience

When life happens it’s important to find your resilience. Accepting the facts as they are today gives you the ability to create a different future. #resilience #perspective #motivation #inspire #healing #jamesmillerlifeology

Sexual healing | Carolin Hauser-Carson

In life we will be blindsided by traumatic events. When these events happen we often keep the information to ourselves and feel like we can’t tell anyone. This is called emotional self-blackmail. You are telling yourself that people will think Learn more…

Paws to Comfort | Jen Marr

Jen Marr @InspiringComfort reviews her book, Paws to Comfort that teaches you how to effectively comfort your family and friends. #jenmarr #dogs #comfort #empathy #emotions #tragedy #healing #hope

Remembering your dreams | Cheryl Bannerman

Do you remember the dreams you used to have? When we were younger we had hopes and dreams for our lives. Unfortunately, life happened. For many of us those hopes and dreams are in the past; we’ve settled for mediocrity Learn more…

The formula for miracles | Brent Phillips

Society has taught us to only believe what our five senses experience. Miracles are now myths of legend and we believe we won’t experience them today. When you look back at science and technology you see that over the millennia Learn more…

Grieving The Loss of a Spouse | Cheryl Krauter

Author, Cheryl Krauter, @Cherylkrauter shares her story of grieving the sudden loss of her spouse and how she found her way back from despair. #cherylkrauter #jamesmillerlifeology #Grief #selfcare #healing #Lettinggo #griefrecovery #griefawareness #griefsupport #widow #support #hope #family #grief #mentalhealth #loss #death #lifeafterloss #depression #meditation #mindfulness #motivation #life #inspiration #loveyourself #Radicalacceptance

How your Subconscious Affects your Health | Cathrine Silver

Holistic counselor, Cathrine Silver, @CSlverWellnessteaches that you have an unresolved, subconscious conflict if you have an illness. #subsconscious #health #awareness #disease #healing #CathrineSilver #CathySilverHH

If You Struggle with Alcohol | Mike Russell

Mike Russell @joinmonument shares his personal struggle with alcohol. This inspired him to create Monument, an online platform for those looking to change their relationship with alcohol. If you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol, visit #alcohol #alcoholics #alcoholism #addiction #alcoholic #alcoholicsanonymous #recovery #steps #alcoholicproblems #onedayatatime #familyrecovery #familydisease #drinking #higherpower #adultchildofanalcoholic #myrecovery #keepitsimple #liveandletlive #mentalhealth #health #anxiety #depression #healing #selfcare #mentalhealthawareness #wellness #love #sobriety #sober #JoinMonument #jamesmillerlifeology #lifeology

A New Beginning | Michael Black

Michael Black @agoodjourney2 reviews his book Happy Endings and a New Beginning that inspires and helps you realize that your choices create the foundation for tomorrow. #abuse #drugs #healing #restoration #beginnings #change #MichaelJBlack