The Enlightened Leader | Gina Gardiner

Gina Gardiner @Genuinely_You has developed a unique and unrivaled approach to help you become an Enlightened Leader. Join her program today to change your life. #leadership #enlightenment #goals #focus #beliefs #success #genuinelyyouprograms #ginagardinerassociates

Creating Mindfulness | Dawa Phillips

Dawa Tarchin Phillips @DawaPhillips teaches you how to create and maintain a sense of mindfulness to help you identify your life’s purpose. #mindfulness #leadership #awareness #purpose #dawatarchinphillips

Leading from the Roots | Dr. Kathleen Allen

Dr. Kathleen Allen @leadingroots reviews her books Leading from the Roots which takes nature as a source of inspiration to help organizations see a new way of leading and designing workplace structure. #leadership #nature #lessons #inspiration #biomimicry

Own Your Phenomenal Self | Rita P Mitchell

Rita P Mitchell @ritapmitchell reviews her book, Own Your Phenomenal Self: A Guide on #Character, #Success, & #Leadership. Rita teaches that no matter your background, experience, #education, or credentials, you can have what you want out of life, and you can have it on your terms. #confidence #selfworth #integrity #boundaries

What am I communicating? | Erica Peitler

Leadership Performance Coach, Erica Peitler @EricaPeitler reviews her book, Leadership Rigor! that gives you a comprehensive plan of how you can maximize your own leadership potential and be hyper focused on what you are communicating. #leadership #communication #emotionalintelligence #intelligence #management

The Art of Servant Leadership | Art Barter

Leadership Expert Art Barter has successfully implemented Servant Leadership in his company and has raised their revenue by 2000%. He reviews this process in his latest book The Art of Servant Leadership II: How You Get Results Is More Important Than the Results Themselves.  #leadership #servanthood #business #management

Developing Leadership Skills- | Patrick Schepeler

Patrick Schepeler is an executive coach and leadership expert whose methodology and insight will help you develop your leadership skills. Patrick is also the author of The Leadership Minute, a video and text series that gives daily leadership and self-development advice for individuals in all leadership roles.

Lead like a superhero | Sebastien Richard

A superhero is often a good role model for leadership We all lead whether we are aware of it or not. The only difference is are we an effective or ineffective leader? Review how you interact with your peers. Are Learn more…

A balanced leader | Rocky Romanella

A balanced leader is a successful leader. @3SixtyMgt #RockyRomanella #leader #leadership #business #authentic #integrity #success #UPS #CEO #Balanced #iheartradio #inspire #motivation #entrepreneur #jamesmillerlifeology #leadership The most effective leaders are the leaders who can successfully play all parts of their job. Learn more…

Being an authentic leader | Rocky Romanella

Are you an authentic leader? Can you trust yourself? We are all good at putting on our “best” face when we are in public. How are you when no one is around? Are you consistent in your thoughts and actions regardless Learn more…