Success Through Failure | Jim Harshaw, Jr

Jim Harshaw Jr @jimharshaw @sxsthrufailure teaches you his coaching framework to help you maximize your potential and create success through failure. #stfp #jimharshawjr #success #failure #motivation #lifeology

Shake It Off Leadership | Betsy Cerulo

Betsy Cerulo @betsycerulo talks about her book Shake it Off Leadership which teaches any leader the skills to successfully create a business while insuring balance and personal fulfillment. #betsycerulo #leadership #leadershipdevelopment #labels #lgbtqia #success #jamesmillerlifeology #lifeology

The Success Mindset | Paola Knecht

Paola Knecht @paolaknechttalks about her latest book, The Success Mindset, which teaches you eleven pillars to untap the higher Self that lives within you. #paolaknecht #success #Mindset #leadership #positivethinking #selfcare #choices #jamesmillerlifeology #lifeology #selfdiscovery #mindpowercoaching

Love Addiction & Toxic Relationships | Sherry Gaba

Sherry Gaba @sharrygaba shares her expertise in helping people recognize if they are in toxic relationships and are addicted to being in love. #sherrygaba #relationships #toxicrelationships #love #attachements #jamesmillerlifeology #lifeology

Bridging Western and Alternative Medicine | Dr. Joshua Levitt

Dr. Joshua Levitt talks about the importance of merging Western and alternative medicine to help individuals live their healthiest life. #drjoshlevitt #upwellnessnrl #naturopath #alternativemedicine #lifeology #jamesmillerlifeology

Breaking Down Stereotypes | James Miller – Living Undeterred Podcast

James MIller was a guest on the LIving Undeterred Podcast @@choices_network @undeterreddad. He breaks down the stereotypes of addiction and mental health. #LivingUndeterred #MentalHealth #AddictionRecovery #jamesmillerlifeology #lifeology #mentalhealth

The Health Benefits of Turmeric | Dr. Shivani Gupta

Dr. Shivani Gupta talks about her supplement line, Fusion Formulas, and turmeric’s health benefits in reducing inflammation. #fusionaryformulas #fusionarylife #drshivanigupta #turmeric #inflammation #bettersleep #menopause #ayurvedic #ayurveda

UPLIFTED: 12 Minutes to More Joy, Faith, Peace, Kindness & Vitality | Dr. Susan Smith Jones

Dr. @SusanSmithJones talks about her latest book UPLIFTED which provides practical suggestions to create a life of vibrant physical health and powerful prosperity. #holistichealth #redheifermedia #queenofhealthandwellness #healthylifestyle #jamesmillerlifeology #lifeology

Discovering Your Writing Style | Caitlin Hamilton

Author Caitlin Hamilton @csummie tells her story of how she discovered her writing style and ways for you to become the best writer you can be. #caitlinhamilton #author #authorlife #publicity #books #writer #literature #writerslife #reading #writers #branding #marketing #perserverance #success #mindset #nevergiveup #hardwork #selfcare #jamesmillerlifeology #lifeology

31 Days to Millionaire Marketing Miracles | Tracy Repchuk

Tracy Repchuk @tracyrepchuk talks about her book 31 Days to Millionaire Marketing which teaches you how to have the masses hear your message. #marketing #success #entrepreneur #business #marketingstrategies #businessdevelopment #entrepreneurship #businesscoach #sales #growyourbusiness #businessgoals #digitalmarketing #businessowner #jamesmillerlifeology #lifeology

The 90-Day Life: Live More in 3 Months Than You Have in 3 Years | Elle V

Elle V reviews her book The 90 Day Life, which teaches you how to live more in 3 months than you have in three years. #90daylife #90daylifebook #liveauthentic #befearless #ellev selfcare #selflove #loveyourself #intentionalliving #lifecoach #goals #goalsinlife #entrepreneur #positivevibes #success #JamesMillerLifeology #LIFEOLOGY

TikTok Is Calling Gwyneth Paltrow the “Mother of All Almond Moms” — Here’s What That Means

James Miller advises POPSUGAR on the damage that almond moms can have on their children, shunning body positivity. #almondmoms #almondmom #GwynethPaltrow #bodypositivity #mentalhealth #lifeology #JamesMillerLifeology

Helping the Ukrainian Children | Jane Hyatt

Jane Hyatt is the co-founder of Father’s Care, a non-profit organization that helps save and protect orphans in war-torn Ukraine. #fatherscaretheark #Children #Ukraine #MentalHealth #Anxiety #WeStandwithUkraine #jamesmillerlifeology #lifeology #fatherscare #adoption #fostercare #trauma #refugees #fatherscaretheark #nonprofit #giveback #donate #support #donation #nonprofitorganization #children #charityorganization

HEADTRASH: The Leading Killer of Human Potential | Renie Cavallari

Renie Cavallari’s HEADTRASH @dumpheadtrash teaches you how to stop questioning yourself for less anxiety, bigger potential, and a better quality of life. @brenebrown #headtrash. #dumpheadtrash #redheifermedia #jamesmillerlifeology #lifeology #BreneBrown

Confidence through Your Wardrobe | Liana Chaouli

Liana Chaouli teaches you how to use your language, actions, and wardrobe to transform your self-image and how you show up in the world. #lianachaouli #imagetherapy #youareamasterpiece #lianaloveslife #claimyourcrown #beproudofyourassets #jamesmillerlifeology #lifeology

How to Take Control Away From a Narcissist (40+ Ways)

James was featured as one of the experts in this article from UpJourney: How to Take Control Away From a Narcissist (40+ Ways) @Redheifermedia @Upjourneycom #narcissist #jamesmillerlifeology #lifeology #relationships #communication

Tribevest: Investing with Family and Friends | Travis Smith

Travis Smith is the CEO of @Tribevest which is a collaborative, group investing platform that enables friends and family to organize and manage joint investments. @redheifermedia #financialplanning #investing #stocks #jamesmillerlifeology #lifeology #finances #money #wealth

Why a Narcissist Won’t Divorce You? (25+ Reasons Why)

Psychotherapist, James Miller was quoted in UpJourney @upjourneycom and talks about why a #narcissist won’t divorce their spouse. #upjourneycom @redheifermedia #relationships #lifeology #jamesmillerlifeology

An Ayurvedic Experience | Christine Dorocki

Christine Dorocki shares her ayurvedic experience and how she inspires and teaches women these principles to thrive again. #christinedorocki #ayurvedicmedicine #ayurveda @redheifermedia #lifeology

Becoming a Peacemaker | Doug Noll

Doug Noll @dougnoll talks about ways to listen to other people into existence and how to calm any angry person in 90 seconds or less. #angermanagement #peacemaker #healthyconversations #anger #peace #dougnoll #jamesmillerlifeology #lifeology