Meant For More | Mia Hewett

Mia Hewett discusses her book Meant For More, which helps readers free themselves from negative self-talk, no longer fear people’s judgments, and no longer need people’s approval.. #miahewett #MiaHewettOfficial #spiritualentrepreneur #emotionalintelligence #meantformorebymia psychology #personaldevelopment #mindset #selfcare #meditation #growthmindset #emotions #selflove #coaching #mindfulness #mentalhealth #selfawareness #emotionalhealth #lifecoach #success #business #empowerment #wellness #spiritualawakening #mentalhealthawareness #trauma #traumarecovery #traumahealing #hope

Mastering Delayed Gratification for Success | Dr Emilio Justo

Dr Emilio Justo @dremiliojusto talks about his book The Power of Pause: Mastering Delayed Gratification for Success based on his top-rated Tedx Talk. #emiliojustomd #tedx #tedtalk #gratification #selfmastery

Secondary Trauma: What It Is, Who It Affects And How To Cope, According To Experts

James was the mental health expert in this Forbes article, sharing ways to overcome secondary trauma and compassion fatigue. #secondarytrauma #compassionfatigue #trauma #ptsd #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness

James Miller – Licensed Psychotherapist & LIFEOLOGY® Radio Host on The Michelle Dawn Mooney Show

James Miller was a featured guest on the Michelle Mooney show @mdmoon, discussing ways to handle holiday stress. #michelledawnmooney #holiday #stress #relationships

Transform Your Worst Moment into Your Greatest Gift | Scott Sunderland

Scott Sunderland talks about his book Finding Ugly: Transform Your Worst Moment into Your Greatest Gift which teaches you how to find freedom from your limiting beliefs to live a life of passion and purpose. #powerofthemind #lawofattraction #healingSelfimage #selfacceptance #mindset #success #anxiety #personaldevelopment #selflovematters #selfcompassion #selflovejourney #youareenough #self #selfconfidence #selfesteem #selfcare #selfworth #selfimage #selflove #mentalhealth #love #bodyimage #confidence #mentalhealthawareness #motivation #loveyourself #gratitude

Peace After Combat | Dr. Tiffany Tajiri

Dr. Tiffany Tajini reviews her book, Peace After Combat that takes a hard look at the trauma experienced by veterans and their faith in God. #peaceaftercombat #healing #restoration #rhythmrestoration #combat #veterans #DrTiffanyTajiri #Ptsd #ptsdrecovery #ptsdawareness #suicideprevention #survivor #selflove #stress #traumarecovery #psychology #wellness #therapy #trauma #mentalhealthawareness #depression #mentalhealth #ptsd #cptsd #anxiety #mentalhealthmatters #healing #selfcare #JamesMillerLifeology

LIFEOLOGY® – Episode 168: Seasonal Depression

During the winter if you find that your mood is low, you may have what’s called Seasonal Affective Disorder. More than likely your vitamin D levels are low. #winter #winterblues #seasonalaffectivedisorder #depression #seasonaldepression #sad #mentalhealth #anxiety #selfcare #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #therapist #lighttherapy #therapy #wellness #summervibes #stress #mind #sunshine #wintervibes #energyhealing #WinterBlues #highvibes #tiredofwinter #vitamind #vitaminD #sun #weekendvibes #VitaminD

Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess | Dr. Caroline Leaf

Dr. Caroline Leaf @DrCarolineLeaf talks about her book Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess that teaches you how to create and maintain healthier thoughts and live with sustainable happiness. #drleaf #drcarolineleaf #mentalhealth #anxiety #mindset #mentalhealthawareness #brainhealth #switchonyourbrain #traumarecovery #truetoyourself #graitude #Drcarolineleaf #deepthought #fear#neurology #neuro #Neurology #doctor #neuroscience #science #cerebro #brain #JamesMillerLIFEOLOGY®

LIFEOLOGY® – Episode 174: Self-Soothing Behaviors

All self-soothing behaviors are based on our 5 senses. If you have a pet, your sense of touch will help decrease your anxiety and worry during quarantine. #quarantine #miniatureschnauzer #relax #selfsoothing #mindfulness #touch #oxytocin #covid19 #love #schnauzersofinstagram #stayhome #minischnauzer #selfcare #coronavirus #socialdistancing #covid_19 #mentalhealth #corona #mentalhealthawareness #life #staysafe #anxiety #positivevibes #loveyourself #selfregulation #dogsofinstagram #Quarantine #happy #JamesMillerLIFEOLOGY® #shelterinplace

LIFEOLOGY® – Episode 171: Facts or Fear – Coronavirus Edition

During this time of fear, people are overcome with anxiety. Only looking at the facts instead of listening to opinions will help you reduce your anxiety. #anxiety #fear #worry #facts #opinions #lifehacks #anxiety #depression #mentalhealth #covid19 #Coronavirus #recovery #wellness #selflove #meditation #mentalhealthawareness #selfcare #insight #support #covid_19 #pandemia #virus #pandemic #covid #Repost #lifehacks #motivation #life #jamesmillerlifeology

If You Struggle with Alcohol | Mike Russell

Mike Russell @joinmonument shares his personal struggle with alcohol. This inspired him to create Monument, an online platform for those looking to change their relationship with alcohol. If you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol, visit #alcohol #alcoholics #alcoholism #addiction #alcoholic #alcoholicsanonymous #recovery #steps #alcoholicproblems #onedayatatime #familyrecovery #familydisease #drinking #higherpower #adultchildofanalcoholic #myrecovery #keepitsimple #liveandletlive #mentalhealth #health #anxiety #depression #healing #selfcare #mentalhealthawareness #wellness #love #sobriety #sober #JoinMonument #jamesmillerlifeology #lifeology

Anxiety and Addiction | Elizabeth Vargas

Emmy winning journalist, Elizabeth Vargas shares her struggles with anxiety and addiction and how she learned to live a healthy life. If you are struggling with alcohol visit #mentalhealth #love #depression #covid #anxiety #recovery #motivation #panic #alcoholism #addiction #hope #mentalhealthawareness #sobriety #selfcare #soberlife #sober #alcoholicsanonymous #selflove #alcoholic #onedayatatime #addictionrecovery #therapy #alcohol #wellness #soberliving #mindfulness #meditation #healthylifestyle #JamesMillerLIFEOLOGY®