Success Through Failure | Jim Harshaw, Jr

Jim Harshaw Jr @jimharshaw @sxsthrufailure teaches you his coaching framework to help you maximize your potential and create success through failure. #stfp #jimharshawjr #success #failure #motivation #lifeology

Life Mastery | Sherry Fernandez

USA Today’s bestselling Author, Sherry Fernandez talks about her book, Life Mastery that teaches you how to live life on your terms. #lifemasterymentors #SherryFernandez #SherryFernandez #Lifemastery #Lifecoaching #lifecoachingforwomen #lifecoachingtips #happiness #lifestyle #personalgrowth #goals #meditation #lifecoachforwomen #positivevibes #lifecoaches #loveyourself #mentalhealth #leadership #entrepreneur #coach #mindset #motivation #coaching #lifecoaching #selfcare #inspiration #success #selflove #life #mindfulness

The Frank Perdue Way | Mitzi Perdue

Mitzi Perdue, @MitziPerdue, the widow of Frank Perdue, shares her latest book, The Frank Perdue way, which shares the secret of his success. #Mitzi.Perdue #Advertising #Leadership #Perdue #Mitzi #Perduechicken #marketing #business #Listeningskills #leadershipdevelopment #marketingstrategy #smallbusiness #advertising #branding #growth #inspire #lifestyle #money #leaders #entrepreneur #inspiration #motivation #softskills #Listening #JamesMillerLifeology

Unlocking Your Conscience | Leonard Perlmutter

Leonard Perlmutter @AMImeditation reviews his book Your Conscience: The Key to Unlock Limitless Wisdom and Creativity and Solve All of Life’s Challenges.

Mastering Your Habits | Jonah Larkin

Jonah Larkin @jonahlarkin teaches you how to align your values with achieving and mastering your habits and goals. #jonahlarkin #habits #entrepreneur #dailyhabits #habitsofhealth #habitsforsuccess #goodhabits #success #healthylifestyle #goals #mindset #selfcare #wellness #selflove #motivation

What Defines You? | Nelson Tressler

Nelson Tressler @nelsontressler talks about his book The Unlucky Sperm Club that encourages you to ask the question, what defines you? @NelsonTressler #adversity #mindset #positivevibes #choices #entrepreneur #resilience #determination #motivation #smalltown #ispiration #deathrow #abuse #overcomingadversity #jamesmillerlifeology

Negotiation as a Martial Art | Cash Nickerson

Cash Nickerson @cashnickerson talks about his book Negotiation as a Martial Art, which teaches you to develop a negotiation style where you get what you want and people will continually want to work with you. #negotiation #Listening #Business #Martialart #motivation #martialarts #conversation #communication #listening #speaking #work #goals #success #business #entrepreneur #Businessdevelopment #leadership #businessadvice #businessgrowth

Bigger, Better, Braver | Nancy Pickard

Nancy Pickard @cnancyrun reviews her best seller: Bigger Better Braver, which helps you unleash your greatest potential. #biggerbetterbraver #nancypickardlifecoach #finalist #forewardreviews #lifecoach #conqueryourfears #jamesmillerlifeology #choices #inspiration #motivation

Your “WHY” and “HOW” | Corey Poirier

Corey Poirier shares his book, The Book of WHY and HOW helps readers tap into their purpose so they can thrive in a more enlightened way. #CoreyPoirer #passion #purpose #choices #inspiration #motivation #entrepreneur #entrepreneurlife #success #focus #hustle #hustler #sidehustle #influencer #highachiever #TedX #EOF #thatspeakerguy #quotes #leadership #business #success #blutalks #legacy #publicspeaking #tedtalks #speaker #podcaster #entrepreneurship #goals #inspirational #thebookofwhy

What is it costing you not to listen? | Christine Miles

Christine Miles, @CMiles_EQuipt, author of What is it costing you not to listen, teaches you how to listen to others to meet their needs effectively. #ChristineWhatIsItCostingYouNotToListen #Communication #Listeningskills #communicationskills #relationships #networking #publicspeaking #coaching #leadership #communication #motivation #business #entrepreneur #community #Effectivecommunication #listeningskills #language #communicationcoach #presentationskills #leadershipdevelopment #softskillstraining #skills #activelistening #personalgrowth #communications #communicationtips #communicationiskey #effectivecommunication

Starting Over: Life Lessons | Jeff Martinovich

Jeff Martinovich @JeffMartinovich reviews his book Just One More: The Wisdom of Bob Vukovich, which teaches the life lesson that the more we celebrate other peoples’ success the more we can achieve our own goals.J #JeffMartinovich #Lifelessons #success #loveyourself #mindset #lifecoach #positivevibes #motivational #lifequotes #lifelessons #selflove #life #lifestyle #Author #inspiration #motivation #jeffmartinovich #jamesmillerlifeology

Transform Your Worst Moment into Your Greatest Gift | Scott Sunderland

Scott Sunderland talks about his book Finding Ugly: Transform Your Worst Moment into Your Greatest Gift which teaches you how to find freedom from your limiting beliefs to live a life of passion and purpose. #powerofthemind #lawofattraction #healingSelfimage #selfacceptance #mindset #success #anxiety #personaldevelopment #selflovematters #selfcompassion #selflovejourney #youareenough #self #selfconfidence #selfesteem #selfcare #selfworth #selfimage #selflove #mentalhealth #love #bodyimage #confidence #mentalhealthawareness #motivation #loveyourself #gratitude

Create Your Miraculous Life | Wendy Darling

Wendy Darling reviews her book Create Your Miraculous LIfe which teaches you how to create a life by your design. #Miraculous #Wendydarling #Healing #positivevibes #loveyourself #happiness #energy #spiritualawakening #awakening #consciousness #believe #positivity #peace #healthylifestyle #selfcare #mindfulness #meditation #love #healing #mentalhealth #selflove #inspiration #health #motivation #life #JamesMillerLifeology

LIFEOLOGY® – Episode 177: Goals During Quarantine

During this time of shelter-in-place, it’s important to set daily goals so when we come out of quarantine you’ll have something healthy to show for it.

Ask! The Bridge from Your Dreams to Your Destiny | Mark Victor Hansen and Crystal Dwyer Hansen

Crystal @crystalvision and Mark Victor @MarkVHansen talk about their latest book ASK that helps you bridge your dreams and your destiny. #life #love #Inspiration #Dreams #Divine #Chickensoupsoul #Chickensoupforthesoul #goals #entrepreneur #mindset #success #motivation #believe #chickensoupforthesoul #loveyourself #positivity #selflove #positivevibes #passion #happiness #dreambig #soul #spiritualawakening #universe #consciousness #JamesMillerLifeology

Wait With Expectancy

When you wait with expectancy you are continually preparing yourself for when a fortuitous opportunity arises. If you want your dreams to come true but haven’t prepared yourself, you will only be a dreamer and not a doer. Wait with expectancy. #hope #inspiration #motivation

Four Categories of People in your Life: Entrepreneur Edition

In Social Psychology we teach that only 1 out of 4 people will support you unconditionally. The other 3 individuals, at different levels, won’t support you. How does this affect your business? Watch more… #entrepreneur #socialpsychology #business #inspiration #motivation #focus #drive

LIFEOLOGY® – Episode 172: Structure During Quarantine

During quarantine it’s important to create structure. Structure helps you focus on things that are productive and instead of your worries. Plan your day the night before. #motivation #quarantine #productive #mindset #inspiration #life #success #JamesMillerLIFEOLOGY® #positivevibes #goals #selflove #inspire #lifestyle #selfcare #stayhome #covid_19 #corona #coronavirus #positivity #productivity #goodvibes #home #mood #coaching #faith #successful #socialdistancing #isolation #selfisolation #staypositive

Becoming a Tremendous Leader | Dr. Tracey C. Jones

@TraceyCJones teaches you the key factors to becoming a tremendous leader and achieving the greatness that is already within you. #TremendousLeadership #drtraceycjones#leadership #motivation #success #lifecoach #Leadership #leadershipdevelopment #entrepreneur #entrepreneurlife #womeninstem #coaching #fitnessmotivation #bossup #purpose #communityleader #entrepreneurship #businessowner #leadershipgrowth #selfguidedcourse #unleashgreatness #sparkthecourse #spark #JamesMillerLifeology #inspiration #life #selfcare

Surrounding yourself with Eagles

You will become like the people with whom you associate.You can’t spend time with chickens and expect to soar with eagles. #entrepreneur #goals #motivation #inspiration #inspire #dreams #jamesmillerlifeology