LIFEOLOGY® – Episode 172: Structure During Quarantine

During quarantine it’s important to create structure. Structure helps you focus on things that are productive and instead of your worries. Plan your day the night before. #motivation #quarantine #productive #mindset #inspiration #life #success #JamesMillerLIFEOLOGY® #positivevibes #goals #selflove #inspire #lifestyle #selfcare #stayhome #covid_19 #corona #coronavirus #positivity #productivity #goodvibes #home #mood #coaching #faith #successful #socialdistancing #isolation #selfisolation #staypositive

Put Happiness To Work | Eric Karpinski

Eric Karpinski @erickarpinski reviews his book Put Happiness to Work. This book lays out a step-by-step program that will help you generate sustainable happiness at work. #happiness #erickarpinski #performance #coroporate #teams #engagementn #positivepsychology #corporateamerica #emotions #productivity

In charge of your happiness | James Miller

James Miller was a guest on the Inspire Before We Expire Podcast #terrellsumpter where he shares we are all self-made people and in charge or our own happiness. #happiness #productivity #fulfillment #choices #healthy #wellness #jamesmillerlifeology

The Futility of Multitasking Interview with James Miller

James is a guest on Work-Life Brilliance podcast @brillianceinc and he explains what multitasking really is and how it gets in the way of your productivity.

Multitasking: Fact or Fiction?

James Miller licensed psychotherapist is going to explain if multitasking is for real; how to optimize the list of things we want to finish in one day or is multitasking just a myth? Less than 2% of people can truly Learn more…