From Paralysis to Purpose | David Cooks

David Cooks @DCESpeaks #hoopsdoctr reviews his book, Getting Undressed: From Paralysis To Purpose that shares his personal journey of how he discovered purpose in the midst of personal tragedy. He realized that by taking a break from his own problems for the benefit of helping others with their problems, he could put Purpose into action.

Anything is possible! | Erik Seversen

Erik Seversen @ericseversen shares how he forged a path filled with extreme adventure and extreme success. You will be encourage to dream big – Anything is possible!

Ditch your inner critic | Susan Peppercorn

As children we compare ourselves to our peers and often feel we are less than. When we become adults that sense of inferiority continues to plague us. When you recognize the difference between your ideal self and realistic self you Learn more…

Unlocking Greatness | Charlie Harary

As children we understand how we fit into the world. As we develop those same thoughts will often shape our estem and value. Did you realize that those individuals whom you idolize are just like you? They may receive accolades Learn more…

Peace in the storm | Erik Newton

Life will always strike when we least expect it. What do you do? After the initial shock it’s important to focus on what you can control instead of what you cannot. If you take an emotional snapshot of your life Learn more…

Purpose mapping – Craig Filek

We all have hopes and dreams, but life sometimes stops us from finding fulfillment in life. It’s important to create a snapshot of your life to determine your sense of fulfillment. When you can compartmentalize each of categories of o Learn more…

A heartbeat away – A fulfilled life | Papa Soob

Often we allow life situations to dictate what we are going to do, as if we don’t have a choice in the matter. When we lose sight of things that brought us joy and a fulfilled life we often forget Learn more…

Change your perspective | Chad E Cooper

Your thoughts, or rather your perspective, determine what you feel. Your feelings determine how your body responds. When you slow down and realize what your perspective is in everything you do, you realize that you are wasting energy and aren’t Learn more…

The hero inside you | Tony Edgell

Many of us love epic adventure movies. We get drawn into the hero’s quest and get lost in the fantasy of it all. You are no different than that hero. You have been given your own quest. The hopes and Learn more…

Lead like a superhero | Sebastien Richard

A superhero is often a good role model for leadership We all lead whether we are aware of it or not. The only difference is are we an effective or ineffective leader? Review how you interact with your peers. Are Learn more…