Meant For More | Mia Hewett

Mia Hewett discusses her book Meant For More, which helps readers free themselves from negative self-talk, no longer fear people’s judgments, and no longer need people’s approval.. #miahewett #MiaHewettOfficial #spiritualentrepreneur #emotionalintelligence #meantformorebymia psychology #personaldevelopment #mindset #selfcare #meditation #growthmindset #emotions #selflove #coaching #mindfulness #mentalhealth #selfawareness #emotionalhealth #lifecoach #success #business #empowerment #wellness #spiritualawakening #mentalhealthawareness #trauma #traumarecovery #traumahealing #hope

On the Ledge | Amy Turner

Author Amy Turner @amyturnerauthor reviews her book On the Ledge offers proof that no matter how far along you are in life, it’s never too late to find yourself. #AmyTurnerAuthor #memoir #trauma #hope #author #ontheledge

Spring Flower: A Tale of Two Rivers | Richard Perkins Hsung

Richard Perkins Hsung discusses his memoir, Spring Flower, which spans 83 years of his mother’s life, who was stuck in communist China. #RichardPHsung, #immigration #communistchiina #china #family #trauma #hope #famly

Yesterday Never Sleeps | Dr. Jacqueline Heller

Dr. Jackie Heller talks about her book, Tomorrow Never Sleeps which helps people understand how their past traumas influence them today. #mindset #trauma #introspection

Cycle of Lives | David Richman

David Richman reviews his book Cycle of Lives. Whether you have cancer or some other major trauma, this thought-provoking collection of stories will inspire you. #cycleoflves Cancer #cancersurvivor #cancerawareness #Breastcancer #Hope #Inspiration #Trauma #Ironman #breastcancer #breastcancerfighter #breastcancersupport #traumarecovery #traumahealing #chemo #awareness #cancer #cancerfighter #health #chemotherapy #mindset #survivor #hope #Emotions #selflove #davidrichman #cyclesoflives #jamesmillerlifeology

Radical Responsibility | Dr. Fleet Maull

Dr @FleetMaull ‘s new book Radical Responsibility teaches you how to change your habits into courage, compassion, and positive change. #fleetmaull #roshifleetmaull #trauma #behavior #executivecoach #freedom #resilience #postivechange #mindfulness #selfcare #transformation #consultant

Yesterday Never Sleeps | Dr. Jacqueline Heller

Dr. Jackie Heller talks about her book, Tomorrow Never Sleeps which helps people understand how their past traumas influence them today. #mindset #trauma #introspection

Secondary Trauma: What It Is, Who It Affects And How To Cope, According To Experts

James was the mental health expert in this Forbes article, sharing ways to overcome secondary trauma and compassion fatigue. #secondarytrauma #compassionfatigue #trauma #ptsd #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness

Helping the Ukrainian Children | Jane Hyatt

Jane Hyatt is the co-founder of Father’s Care, a non-profit organization that helps save and protect orphans in war-torn Ukraine. #fatherscaretheark #Children #Ukraine #MentalHealth #Anxiety #WeStandwithUkraine #jamesmillerlifeology #lifeology #fatherscare #adoption #fostercare #trauma #refugees #fatherscaretheark #nonprofit #giveback #donate #support #donation #nonprofitorganization #children #charityorganization

‘Am I safe being in public?’ For many, mass shootings make a sense of danger inescapable

James Miller was interviewed by @USAToday about the secondary trauma that many people are experiencing after increased mass shootings. #usatoday #massshootings #trauma #lgbt #clubq #guncontrol

Peace After Combat | Dr. Tiffany Tajiri

Dr. Tiffany Tajini reviews her book, Peace After Combat that takes a hard look at the trauma experienced by veterans and their faith in God. #peaceaftercombat #healing #restoration #rhythmrestoration #combat #veterans #DrTiffanyTajiri #Ptsd #ptsdrecovery #ptsdawareness #suicideprevention #survivor #selflove #stress #traumarecovery #psychology #wellness #therapy #trauma #mentalhealthawareness #depression #mentalhealth #ptsd #cptsd #anxiety #mentalhealthmatters #healing #selfcare #JamesMillerLifeology

Healing Trauma through Weightlifting | Laura Khoudari

Trauma-informed, personal trainer, Laura Khoudari @laurakhoudari shares how weightlifting can help heal those who have experienced trauma. #laurakcpt #trauma #weighlifting #exercise #safe #personaltrainer #positivevibes #mentalhealth #mentalwellbeing #wellness

Sexual healing | Carolin Hauser-Carson

In life we will be blindsided by traumatic events. When these events happen we often keep the information to ourselves and feel like we can’t tell anyone. This is called emotional self-blackmail. You are telling yourself that people will think Learn more…

Sexual healing | Carolin Hauser-Carson

In life we will be blindsided by traumatic events. When these events happen we often keep the information to ourselves and feel like we can’t tell anyone. This is called emotional self-blackmail. You are telling yourself that people will think Learn more…