Captivate the Room | Tracy Goodwin

Tracy Goodwin @TracyGoodwin helps you captivate the room by removing your vocal masks so you can be your authentic self when engaging with others. #captivatetheroom #tracy #publicspeaking #voice #vocalcoach #subconscious #communication

Moving Forward | Rob Paulsen

Rob Paulsen, @yakkopinky, the most well known voiceover actor, shares his story of moving forward after he was diagnosed with throat cancer. #RobPaulsenlive #Animaniacs #TMNT #HNCA #VoiceActor #PinkyAndTheBrain #VoiceLessonsBook #CarlWheezer #Yakko #VoiceLegend #jamesmillerlifeology #cancer #throatcancer #inspiration #motivation #stevenspielberg #cancer #survivor #entertainer #actor #voiceover #teenagemutantninjaturtles #Pinky #JimmyNeutron #voicelessons #voice #perspective