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Infancy and early childhood significantly influence a person’s identity, empathy, and understanding of the world around them.
Today’s guest is Ronald Goldman, an award-winning psychologist, researcher, speaker, author, and consultant who specializes in developmental and applied psychology. His work focuses on preventing personal, emotional, and behavioral difficulties that often involve insensitive or harmful effects on others. This focus improves individual and collective experiences. His research includes numerous contacts with mental health and medical professionals, parents, and children.
In today’s episode, Dr. Goldman talks about his book ”The Empathy Evolution: Preventing Violence, Racism, Political Corruption, and Mental Illness by Creating More Caring People. This book shares specific principles to question cultural assumptions and take impactful action that can make a difference and improve life for family, friends, and society.
For more information about Dr. Goldman visit You may also purchase his book on Amazon.
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#empathy #childdevelopment #motherchildbond #RonaldGoldman #EmpathyEvolution
#Violence #Racism #PoliticalCorruption #MentalIllness #Happiness
Purchase on Amazon
Listen to Dr. Goldman’s music regarding Chief Seattle’s speech
James’ book, LIFE LESSONS: You Are the Expert on Your Life | A Workbook is your new “go-to” self-help book, especially, if you are currently struggling. Purchase it on Amazon today.
We all get overwhelmed and sometimes don’t know what to do. LIFE LESSONS is your new “go-to” book to help you navigate life.
LIFE LESSONS was written to help you focus on what already works for you – to be an immediate resource. You can turn to any chapter for specific guidance when you need it or read it front to back. It’s designed to pinpoint relevant past responses to help you overcome current struggles. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel and try to come up with something new. You are already the expert in your life.
If you are tired of struggling to know what to do when “life” happens, want to break the cycle of repeating the same unhealthy patterns, as well as give you practical tools and techniques to focus on what matters the most to you, then LIFE LESSONS: You are the Expert on Your Life | A Workbook is a must-read.