Thank you so much for listening to LIFEOLOGY®. I would love to connect with you. Be sure to follow me on all social media platforms under the name JamesMillerLIFEOLOGY®. I am very active on Instagram and create mini videos with quick tips and tools that you can immediately implement. Be sure to say hello and follow me there.
Have you ever stopped and listened to what you tell yourself when you are embarrassed or you think you’ve failed in some way? Usually, what you say to yourself at that moment is how you truly see yourself. Do you say, you are dumb, stupid, ugly, worthless, etc? Those thoughts are taught to use by our circumstances when we are younger. If you do not challenge those thoughts they will always distract you from realizing your are more than enough.
Mary Hyatt is a life and business mindset coach who specializes in helping high achieving female entrepreneurs move from living a life of burnout to a life where they are connected to their emotions, their body, and their spirit. She helps bring her 1 on 1 and group coaching clients back to their femininity, realizing they are enough.
Mary is the host of the Living Fully Alive podcast that airs weekly where she dives deeper into the mindset and helps her listeners learn to embody a life fully lived. Mary is also a Top Earner with doTERRA Essential Oils, helping teach women how to support their bodies and emotions holistically.
As a trained Hypnotherapist and Kundalini Yoga Instructor, Mary brings a level of consciousness and soul focused inner work to everything she does.
You may find more information about Mary on Instagram @Maryghyatt or her website
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Are you struggling to make long-lasting changes, or uncertain how to start? If you are serious about transforming your life, then work with James. Visit JamesMillerLIFEOLOGY®.com/work-with-James to get started today.
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