Breaking generational patterns | Joan Z Rough
Joan Z Rough shares her story of caretaking to her abusive mother on her deathbed and the struggle of grieving but also being angry with her for the abuse she inflicted on her as a child.
Where you simplify and transform your spirit, mind, and body
Joan Z Rough shares her story of caretaking to her abusive mother on her deathbed and the struggle of grieving but also being angry with her for the abuse she inflicted on her as a child.
Joan Z Rough shares her story of caretaking to her abusive mother on her deathbed and the struggle of grieving but also being angry with her for the abuse she inflicted on her as a child.
The struggle of being a caretaker to an abusive parent. Many times children will repeat the behaviors of their parents. As they mature, they will continue to demonstrate whatever behavioral patterns their parents modeled for them unless they consciously make the decision to Learn more…