Real Impact: Daily Inspiration | Dennis J Henson

Author Dennis J Henson @dennisjhenson discusses the importance of daily inspiration in his book Real Impact: Daily Inspiration. #realimpact #inspiration #author #purpose

Over it! | Kelsey Grimm

Recording artist Kelsey Grimm @TheKelseyGrimm shares her book Over It! that encourages you to embrace the beautiful realities of who you already are.

Be the Magic: Bite-Sized Nuggets of Wisdom | Diane Pienta

Diane Pienta talks about her book Be the Magic: Bite-Sized Nuggets of Wisdom to Feed Your Joy, Nourish Your Soul and Open Your Heart. #selfdevelopment #positivevibes #healthymindset #wisdom #joy #author

Uniting the States of America | Lyle Greenfield

Author, Lyle Greenfield talks about his new book Uniting the States of America which is a self-care plan for a wounded nation. #politics #elections #Lylegreenfield #author

Incurable Optimist | Jennifer Cramer Miller

Author Jennifer Cramer-Miller talks about her memoir Incurable Optimist, which shares how she overcame being diagnosed with an incurable autoimmune disease. #gratitude #incurableoptimist #chronichope #author #shewritespress

Discovering Your Writing Style | Caitlin Hamilton

Author Caitlin Hamilton @csummie tells her story of how she discovered her writing style and ways for you to become the best writer you can be. #caitlinhamilton #author #authorlife #publicity #books #writer #literature #writerslife #reading #writers #branding #marketing #perserverance #success #mindset #nevergiveup #hardwork #selfcare #jamesmillerlifeology #lifeology

CALMFIDENCE: How to Trust Yourself, Tame Your Inner Critic, and Shine in Any Spotlight | Patricia Stark

Patricia Stark @clickpatricia talks about her new book CALMFIDENCE which is a comprehensive guide to improving self-talk and outward communication skills in work, school, and everyday life. #patriciastark #calmfidence #calm #confidence #communication #author #jamesmillerlieology #Redheifermedia

Living Authentically | Ora Nadrich

Life Coach, Ora Nadrich @OraNadrich explains the concept of mindfulness and teaches you how to live authentically regardless of what transpires around you. #oranadrich #liveauthentically #mindfullness #choices #insight #positivevibes #dialectic #authenticity #awakening #AuthorOraNadrich #OraNadrichQuotes #TheIFTT

On the Ledge | Amy Turner

Author Amy Turner @amyturnerauthor reviews her book On the Ledge offers proof that no matter how far along you are in life, it’s never too late to find yourself. #AmyTurnerAuthor #memoir #trauma #hope #author #ontheledge

Many Paths | Bruce McEver

Bruce McEver talks about his book, Many Paths, which recounts his grief after the loss of his wife and the physical manifestation of the divine. #brucemcever #bruce_mcever #author #grief #hope

Mindfulness and Mysticism | Ora Nadrich

Ora Nadrich @oranadrich discusses her book, Mindfulness and Mysticism which brings together Mindfulness with a spiritual understanding of becoming one with a higher consciousness. #AuthorOraNadrich #TheIFTT #mindfulness #peace #health #wellness #selflove #believe #selfcare #positivity #mindset #positivevibes #mysticism

Freedom Street: Life On Your Terms | Scott Danner

Scott Danner talks about his book Freedom Street which teaches you how to achieve your goals and independence on your terms. #authorscottdanner #freedomstreet #author #amazonbestseller #relationships #friendships #reality #richlife #ownyourfuture #liveyourlegacy #reallife #truth #authentic #love #livinglifewithfreedom #financialadvisors #coachesofinstagram #financialplanning #ownthefuture #moveforward

Starting Over: Life Lessons | Jeff Martinovich

Jeff Martinovich @JeffMartinovich reviews his book Just One More: The Wisdom of Bob Vukovich, which teaches the life lesson that the more we celebrate other peoples’ success the more we can achieve our own goals.J #JeffMartinovich #Lifelessons #success #loveyourself #mindset #lifecoach #positivevibes #motivational #lifequotes #lifelessons #selflove #life #lifestyle #Author #inspiration #motivation #jeffmartinovich #jamesmillerlifeology

James Miller on Gina Gardner and Friends Radio Show

James MIller was a guest on GIna Gardner and Friends Radio show where he talks about his new book LIFE LESSONS, your new “go-to” self-help book. #selfhelp #author #booklaunch

It’s Emma’s World – Episode 43 – Author & Radio Host James Miller

James Miller guests on Emma’s World where he talks about his new book Life Lessons which is your new go-to book to help you in your moment of crisis. #author #selfhelp #selfdevelopment #itsemmaworld

New opportunities | Gary Sirak

Today may be the day that new opportunities present themselves to you. Each day brings new highs and lows. Often we expect life to always be the same, or sometimes expect bad things to happen. When you daily look for Learn more…

Be the change agent | Ron Carucci

Do you know how to be an effective change agent? Did you know that you are going to grow and develop whether you want to or not? Life is always changing. You can either be proactive and become who you Learn more…

Your repurposed life | Marc Miller

A repurposed life is a fulfilled life. As we grow up our interests and personality change. We often feel that we have to remain in the same vocation or career because that’s what we were always taught. Did you realize Learn more…

Determine your success | Don Hutcheson

Only you determine your success. Often we measure success with how much money we have earned or how many materialistic things we own. However, there are many versions of success. When we stop and reflect on our quality of life, in Learn more…

Mindfulness and Mysticism | Ora Nadrich

Ora Nadrich @oranadrich discusses her book, Mindfulness, and Mysticism which brings together Mindfulness with a spiritual understanding of becoming one with a higher consciousness. #AuthorOraNadrich #TheIFTT #mindfulness #peace #health #wellness #selflove #believe #selfcare #positivity #mindset #positivevibes #mysticism